Las pérdidas en ayudas a la banca disparan el déficit y la deuda del Estado
La deuda pública subirá hasta el 90,5% del PIB, un nuevo récord, por el crédito del rescate
El desfase presupuestario de 2012 se eleva al 7,4% por las pérdidas de las ayudas a la banca
Todas las claves de unos presupuestos muy restrictivos
Alejandro Bolaños / Jesús Sérvulo González Madrid 29 SEP 2012 - 22:06 CET
Losses in aid to banking shoot deficit and government debt
Public debt will rise to 90.5% of GDP, a new record for the rescue loan
The 2012 budget gap rises to 7.4% for loss of aid to banks
All keys very restrictive budgets
Alejandro Bolaños / Jesus Gonzalez Sérvulo Madrid 29 SEP 2012 - 22:06 CET
Aid banking and translate into the red in the State accounts. And propel public debt to levels not seen in a century. Following release of the draft State Budget for 2013 in Congress, the Finance Minister Cristobal Montoro, elaborated this Saturday to defend the proposal as a "lever to exit the crisis." And strove to rebut criticism by using overly optimistic forecasts. But the impact billionaire banking injections claimed center stage.
moreEvery key budgets, portfolio by portfolio
"I will give them information," Montoro told reporters after his detailed presentation. What came to tell after that there is more than reasonable doubt that billions injected by the Spanish from 2010 to recover troubled banks. That, the prospect that taxpayer money can be lost-just what every government denies having a financial reform in times of crisis, in the language of accounting means more deficit: in more than 16 660 million thicken negative budget balances in 2011 and 2012.
The explanation offered tiny Finance Minister was the following: the effect of these potential losses injections into banks, the deficit of 2011, equivalent to 8.96% of GDP, it becomes of 9.44% ( over 5.104 million). And it is estimated that 2012 closed with a deficit of 7.4%, not 6.3% as planned, in computing the accounting impairment of loans and investments in the banking sector (11,556,000 more).
"I wish we did not have to do these operations, but we have to clean up the bench to regain credit," said Montoro. Many of the transactions were made under the previous government mandate PSOE, but actions to assist banks was one of the few areas where popular socialist and agreed. Despite the accounting entry, Montoro insisted that no taxpayer money will be lost. "These are public resources that institutions are committed to return," he said.
Treasury did not give any details of what injections to banks now counted as deficit, information to be supplied to the statistical agency Eurostat, which dictate whether adjustments are well made later this month.
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But he is concerned any aid granted by the Fund for Orderly Bank Restructuring (FROB) under both socialist reforms (in 2010 and 2011), totaling more than 14,000 million. And it remains to clear up questions if you have recorded some losses on the 2012 as the advancement of 4,500 million BFA-Bankia. For now the FROB zeroed and the book value of 11,000 million in loans and equity investments in BFA-Bankia, Catalunya Banc and NGC Bank, nationalized the three institutions of higher shaft.
The rise of the deficit in the banking shots left in the air further questions. With the adjustment, the budget balance in 2012 (-7.4%), exceeding the target agreed with Brussels (-6.3%). And the fulfillment of this goal is the main argument of the Government to argue that, in the event that prompted the Spanish government to the rescue of the Eurogroup finance, not impose further cuts or tax increases. "This does not compute for correcting the deficit, you will have no further adjustments," said Montoro, who was protected as they are expenses that are counted only once, that is automatic adjustment next year. Brussels will have the last word.
The rescue itself has already asked the Eurogroup, the bank, will be felt in public debt. Finance includes 30,000 million credit and Brussels imminent FROB, which plans to inject more money into the nationalized banks later this year. The debt of all government and close this year at 85% of GDP to over 90% in 2013. Attendance at the bank is also reflected in the allocation of up to 65,000 million guarantee, guaranteed by the state, emissions future bad bank debt.
Montoro also devoted much time to the presentation of the Budget for 2013 to justify why government economic forecasts-expected economic decline of 0.5% - are significantly more optimistic than those of the majority of accredited analysts.
Although the government used as an argument to delay bills until late March 2012 that awaited IMF economic forecasts for 2013 the obvious international organization estimates, it expects a decline of 1.2%. "The government is forecasting that next year we will have a falling activity much smoother. If we achieve that goal would be the end of the recession, "Montoro said yesterday, he justified the government used the budget to change the conditions of the economy. In case of not fulfilling the Government's optimistic revenue forecasts would be overvalued and undervalued expenses.
With these economic forecasts, the government estimates that consolidated state spending, Social Security and autonomous bodies amount to 382.048 million euros, representing an increase of 5.5% over last year. The only major expenditure is growing pension and interest. Current expenditure (7.8%) and investments (15.6%) suffered severe cuts.
The Social Security (128,236, 95% of its resources go to pay pensions) eats nearly half of the state budget. Next year pension spending will grow by 5.2% by the aging population. The Government also announced that pensions will rise by 1%, but refuses to confirm whether updated by the CPI. "The legislation on pension increases are in place," was all he said on the matter yesterday Montoro leaving the door open to a change in that rule.
The other item that affects the public accounts for next year is the financial cost, which grow 9.742 million, a 33.7% increase, reaching 38,660 million, the highest level in at least the last 17 years. The cost of public debt thus becomes the second game of public accounts, behind pensions. Volume is such that the interest burden reaches almost the same as all spending ministries (39,722,000).
"We want to reduce the cost of operation of the ministries," Montoro said yesterday. For this reason, and to offset the rise in the preceding headings, the Government has reduced the resources for Government Departments, which diminish by 8.9%.
Personnel costs, which account for 11.7% of the total, grew by 1.2%, despite reducing the money for payroll (3.8%), by raising money to pay the pensions of workers public and that, despite the Government freezes again, for the third consecutive year, the salaries of officials.
Many of the cost-cutting measures for 2013 are from the decrees passed during this year to meet the deficit ceiling. The same applies to income. The Government trusts the public accounts to an improvement. "Our forecast is that next year we have a falling activity much smoother. If achieved, would be the end of the recession. "
アレハンドロボラニョス/イエスゴンザレスSérvuloマドリード29 SEP 2012 - 午後09時06分CET
援助銀行と国家口座の赤に変換されます。そして世紀には見られないレベルに公的債務を推進する。議会では2013年のドラフト国家予算のリリースに続いて、今週の土曜日に精緻財務大臣クリストバルモントロは、 "危機を終了するにはレバー"として提案を守るためにと過度に楽観的な予測を使って批判に反論するために努めてまいりました。しかし、インパクトの億万長者の銀行注射はセンターステージを主張した。
"私は彼らに情報を与えるだろう"モントロは彼の詳細なプレゼンテーションの後、記者団に語った。何十億もの問題を抱えた銀行を回復するために、2010年からスペイン人によって注入されたことが合理的な疑いを超えるがあるその後言うようになった。 、見通しは納税者のお金は、単に失われることがすべての政府は、危機の時代に財政改革を持って否定して何が、会計の言語で多くの赤字を意味する:16以上6.6億でとろみ負予算は2011年と2012年にバランスをとります。
"私は、我々がこれらの操作を行う必要はありませんでした希望が、我々は信用を取り戻すためにベンチをクリーンアップする必要があり、"モントロは言った。取引の多くは、以前の政府の委任PSOEの下で作られますが、銀行を支援するためのアクションが人気の社会党と合意した数少ない分野の一つであった。会計仕訳にもかかわらず、モントロは納税者のお金が失われないことを主張した。 "これらの機関は返すためにコミットされていることを公共の資源である"と彼は言った。
銀行ショットで赤字の上昇は、空気、さらに質問に放置。調整により、目標を大きく上回る2012(-7.4%)で財政収支は、ブリュッセル(-6.3%)と合意した。そして、この目標の達成には、ユーロ圏財務相会合、金融の救助にスペイン政府を促したイベントでは、さらなる削減や増税を課していない、と主張する政府の主な引数です。 "これは赤字を補正するために計算されませんが、あなたはこれ以上の調整を持っていません"と、彼らは来年自動調整つまり、一度だけカウントされる費用でありとして保護したモントロは、言った。ブリュッセルでは、最後の言葉を持つことになります。
大幅認定アナリストの大半のものよりも楽観的である - モントロも0.5%の政府経済見通しの予想経済の衰退がなぜ正当化するために2013年度予算のプレゼンテーションに多くの時間を捧げた。
政府は2013明白な国際機関の推計のための待望の国際通貨基金(IMF)の経済予測という下旬2012年3月までの法案を遅らせるための引数として使用されますが、それは1.2%の減少を見込んでいる。 "政府は来年、我々ははるかにスムーズに落下活性を有することが予測されています。我々はその目標が不況の終わりだろう達成した場合、 "モントロは昨日言った、彼は、政府が経済の条件を変更するために予算を使用し正当化した。政府の楽観的な収益予測を果たしていないの場合には費用が過大評価と過小評価されるだろう。
社会保障は、(128236、その資源の95%が年金を支払うために行く)国家予算の半分近くを食べています。来年の年金支出は人口の高齢化により5.2%成長するだろう。政府はまた、年金が1%上昇するだろうと発表したが、消費者物価指数によって更新するかどうかを確認することを拒否します。 "年金増加に関する法律が整備され、"物質昨日のモントロはそのルールの変更に開いているドアを離れる際に彼が言ったすべてだった。
2013年のためのコスト削減策の多くは、財政赤字の上限を満たすために、今年中に渡さ布告からです。同じことは、所得に適用されます。政府は改善に公共アカウントを信頼します。 "我々の予測は、我々ははるかにスムーズに落下活性を有するその次の年です。達成した場合、景気後退の終わりだろう。 "
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