



Las subidas de impuestos de 2012 se sienten en 2013

Las nuevas medidas tributarias suponen 7.221 millones de euros

¿Quién pagará la factura? Los de siempre
Todas las claves de unos presupuestos muy restrictivos
Jesús Sérvulo González Madrid 29 SEP 2012 - 22:44 CET

The 2012 tax increases are felt in 2013

The new tax measures account for 7.221 million euros

Who will pay the bill? The usual
All keys very restrictive budgets

Jesus Gonzalez Sérvulo Madrid 29 SEP 2012 - 22:44 CET

The Government has a "toolbox" where he keeps some tax measures that will launch over the next year if revenues deviate from expected. This was acknowledged yesterday by Finance Minister Cristobal Montoro, when asked about the rate of trading, which eventually dropped the draft Budget for 2013. Nor is there any trace of environmental taxes announced by President Mariano Rajoy. Treasury reserves wildfire if economic forecasts worsen.
He expects overall revenue tax rise next year by 3.8% to 174 099 000, a figure even lower than before the crisis raised. Tax revenues will be conditioned by the tax changes approved in 2011 and 2012, the impact on public finances is expected to rise to 7,221 million.

He expects overall revenue tax rise next year by 3.8%
The tribute that leaves more money into the coffers of the state remains the income tax, which falls most heavily on the middle class, which provides 43% of the total. This tax will raise 74.215 million, 1.15% more than last year by rising this year, the final settlement of income tax this year takes place in June next year. The VAT, accounting for 30% of tax revenue, is the fastest growing due to the rise in interest rates that took effect in early September and the effect will continue next year. VAT receipts will amount to 64,657,000, a 14.6% increase.
The tax policy has undergone more changes has been the Company, representing 11% of the total. The government hopes to raise 19.011 million, up 2.8% from the previous year. The cause of this decline is due to changes in the tax to anticipate payments should correspond to 2013 this year. To prevent the fall collection that is why next year, Treasury has limited accelerated depreciation for large companies.




イエスゴンザレスSérvuloマドリード29 SEP 2012 - 夜09時44分CET
政府は、彼が収入が予想を逸脱した場合、来年に開始されますいくつかの税制措置を保つ "ツールボックス"を持っています。最終的には2013年の予算案を落とした取引のレートについて尋ねられたとき、これは、大蔵大臣クリストバルモントロによって昨日承認されました。また社長マリアーノRajoyが発表した環境税の痕跡がある。財務省埋蔵山火事経済見通しが悪化した場合。
彼は、174 099 000から3.8パーセントで全体の収益税の上昇来年、危機が発生した前よりもさらに低い数字を予想している。税収は、2011年と2012年に承認された税制変更によって調整され、財政への影響は7221万人に増加すると予想される。


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