スペインの文部大臣のホセ·イグナシオ·ワート(Jose Ignacio Wert)氏は、地方分権の独立運動気質が、各自治州(地方政府)により、ひとり当たりの教育費に影響して、でこぼこになっていると批判
Wert achaca el auge del independentismo a la descentralización educativa
El ministro dice que el principio de solidaridad no está bien atendido en algunas comunidades
Cataluña insta al ministro a demostrar su teoría
Educación impondrá más contenidos a las autonomías
El Gobierno abre un nuevo frente autónomico con la reforma educativa
EP Madrid 2 OCT 2012 - 11:33 CET
Wert blames the rise of the independence of educational decentralization
The minister said that the principle of solidarity is not well addressed in some communities
Catalonia urges the Minister to prove his theory
Education will impose more content to autonomy
The government opened a new front autonomic education reform
EP Madrid 2 OCT 2012 - 11:33 CET
The Minister of Education, José Ignacio Wert, believes "there is some evidence" linking the growth of separatist sentiment in some regions "with the direction it has taken the educational sense," and doubts that the constitutional principles of equality, solidarity and equity are well served when, for example, "in the Basque education spending per pupil is twice that in Andalusia".
In an interview with Telemadrid, Wert has stated that his education reform, which the central government will increase the percentage of content that imposed on autonomy, "not intended as a recentralization" but about "eliminating the blur that has had the educational process in Spain. " In this sense, has been modeled to Finland, to understand that this country "gives a great autonomy to schools, but maintains a national curriculum and evaluated according to well-defined guidelines."
Asked if the government is "unable" to enforce the Constitution and that in Catalonia and the Balearics a child can study in Castilian, Wert has responded that it is "firmly committed" to resolve this issue, but that is a matter that "goes beyond the state inspection." "It should not be the slightest doubt that in this term the topic will have a practical solution, because the problem is not what the law says, it says clearly, and everyone is entitled to the Castilian is the language of instruction in the education received. called not enough individual attention to understanding this right, but we have to make it effective. And I guarantee you that we will do, "he assured.
Moreover, the education minister has said his proposed education reform "is not ideological, but is inspired by two clear goals." On the one hand, "eliminating the existence of 17 autonomous systems with different yields and investment" and, second, to improve educational performance, since "Spain has more than twice the rate of early school leaving for the countries in which young people will have to compete. "
Catalonia Wert urged to prove his theory
The spokesman for the Catalan Government, Francesc Homs, has described as "serious" the association of separatist sentiment boom with the decentralization of educational skills. Wert Homs urged to clarify what those "evidence" to which reference has been made and has broached that "evidence" is academic results.
The spokesman suggested the holder Catalan state Education "you look data presiding ministry and reflect that when students finish compulsory education, the level of knowledge of Castilian [of Catalan students] is above the average Spanish ".
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