



Moody’s valora la reforma de las cajas y la ve buena para sus calificaciones

La agencia considera que la normativa limita el riesgo de injerencia política en las entidades

EFE Economía Madrid 28 ENE 2013 - 16:52 CET

Moody's assesses the reform of the boxes and looks good for its ratings

The agency believes that the legislation limits the risk of political interference in the entities

Economy Madrid EFE 28 ENE 2013 - 16:52 CET

The risk measurement agency Moody's U.S. said today that the reform of the law of savings banks have a positive impact on the sector's credit rating because it will improve its governance structure. The vice president of Moody's Alberto Postigo has commented that the legislative initiative taken last week by the Ministry of Economy includes guidelines for the appointment of board members that limit the risk of political interference in the boxes, which will improve the government boxes.

It has also indicated that many aspects of the law that is preparing Economy as Memorámdum provisions of Understanding with Brussels and has made ​​the sector inquiry, "are subject to approval by the Bank of Spain," so their effectiveness "depends on the willingness of the regulator to enforce" the rule. Among these, said the approval of the management protocol, the financial plan and the appointment of the trustees of foundations.

On Monday of last week began consultations Economy of a new law of boxes that could take effect later this year or early next and would force these entities to become banking foundations by the end of 2014, with the except Pollensa and Caixa Ontinyent.

The boxes that moved their business to a bank (La Caixa, Unicaja, Ibercaja and merging BBK and Caja Vital Kutxa) must become banking foundations, which will be directed by a board with a maximum of 20 members may not serve on adminisración council owned financial institution



経済マドリードEFE28 ENE 2013 - 16:52 CET

また、 "スペイン銀行による承認を受ける必要があります"ブリュッセルとの理解Memorámdum規定として経済を準備しているとセクタ調査を行っている法律の多くの側面はことが示されたので、その効果は、ルールを"強制するレギュレータの意欲に依存する"これらのうち、管理プロトコル財務計画や財団の理事の任命の承認は言った。



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