



Google tributó solo el 5% por su beneficio fuera de Estados Unidos en 2012

La empresa usa paraísos fiscales para rebajar el pago de impuestos

La firma admite que logra "sustancialmente todo" su beneficio exterior en Irlanda

Varios países investigan las declaraciones tributarias del buscador

Sandro Pozzi / Miguel Jiménez Nueva York / Madrid 30 ENE 2013 - 11:17 CET

Google taxed only 5% of its profit outside the United States in 2012

The company uses tax havens to reduce tax payments

The firm admits that achieved "substantially all" its profit abroad in Ireland

Several countries are investigating the tax returns of the Seeker

Sandro Pozzi / Miguel Jimenez New York / Madrid 30 ENE 2013 - 11:17 CET

The financial engineering achievements come to light in the annual accounts of Google, as it did three months ago when Apple closed its fiscal year. The largest Internet company paid $ 2,600 million (approximately EUR 1.925 million) in taxes in 2012, of which only $ 430 million went outside the United States, where the company does most of its benefits, as detailed of the annual accounts submitted to the regulator of the U.S. stock market. The Technology of Mountain View won 10,737,000.
Google managed 8.075 million dollars in profits outside the United States, paid 358 million and another 74 reserved for deferred taxes, thus the overall charge abroad was only 5% of the profit. In the U.S., where he managed gains of $ 5.311 million, the tax bill was 2.166 million, ie 41%.
Although the rate of taxation outside the U.S. rose two percentage points from 2011 (when paid only 3% of its profits), that will be enough to appease the British Prime Minister David Cameron. and other European leaders who want to use the forum of the G-8 to prevent large multinationals continue avoiding paying taxes by diverting money to tax havens to obtain substantial savings.
The effective taxation of the entire company was 19.4%, when established for companies in the U.S. federal level is 35%. It is almost two points less than the 21% it paid in 2011. Based on current legislation, the Treasury should have paid a total of 4,685 million. However, the company is able to reduce the bill in about 2,200 million thanks in part to tax adjustments makes abroad, which in principle are legal, but controversial.

moreGoogle wins 10.27% after the year-end spurtUK tries to know why corporations evade taxesThe EU intends to limit the sale of data by Internet firms
Google essentially pays taxes in two jurisdictions. The U.S., when it comes to the benefits generated by their operations in its largest market, and the Irish. The company admits in its annual report that "substantially all of the benefit of overseas operations was achieved by an Irish subsidiary." But Google does not actually pay for those benefits even 12.5% ​​of Irish corporation tax. The company is seeking ways to locate your profits in tax havens which are exempt from taxation, as Bermuda, where the company has taken billions of dollars.
Several countries, including Spain, are investigating Google declaring taxes. The search company invoice from Ireland hundreds of millions of euros in revenues obtained in the Spanish market, where states losses and just pay corporation tax.
The money earned outside the U.S. not repatriated, Google explains, because his intention is to "reinvest" abroad. The sum is around not repatriated 33,300 million. Google also had to end the year with a cushion of 48 100 million in cash and cash on hand to acquire liquidity. Of that total, 31,400 million are in the pockets of their foreign subsidiaries. As the company explains on the information to the SEC, "if those funds were needed for its operations in the U.S., should pay taxes to repatriate them."
Google account currently has 53,861 employees. Its products and services are offered in more than 50 countries. U.S., according to the official documentation, last year generated approximately 47% of revenues. Of the total turnover, 95% was via the advertising business associated with its search engine and other services, like Gmail. The recent purchase of Motorola opens up a new revenue channel.
As Larry Page himself said last week in a conference call with analysts after presenting results, the past was the first year that Google surpassed the 50,000 million dollars in revenue, just as society when you turn 15 years of history. Exactly billed 50,175,000 in 2012, an increase of almost 25% compared to 37.905 million in 2011. In 2010 sales approaching 30,000 million.




同社はアイルランドに留学し、 "実質的にすべての"その利益を達成したことを認めている


サンドロ·ポッツィ/ミゲルヒメネスニューヨーク/マドリード30 ENE 2013 - 11時17 CET


Googleは基本的に二つの管轄で税金を支払っている。それは最大の市場で彼らの操作によって生成された福利厚生、およびアイルランドに来る米国、。当社は、年次報告書で認めている "実質的に海外事業の利益のすべてがアイルランドの子会社によって達成された。"しかし、Googleは実際にこれらの利点のためにアイルランドの法人税の場合でも12.5%を支払うことはありません。同社は、同社が数十億ドルを取っているバミューダとして、課税を免除される租税回避地にあなたの利益を見つけるための方法を模索している。
彼の意図は、海外で "再投資"することなので、お金が送還されていない米国外で稼いだ、Googleは説明しています。合計は約33300万人を本国に送金されていません。 Googleはまた、流動性を獲得する一方で、現金及び現金で48億のクッションで年を終了しなければならなかった。その合計のうち、31400万人が外国子会社のポケットにあります。会社は、SECに情報を説明するように、 "これらの資金は、米国での事業のために必要とされた場合は、それらを本国に税金を払う必要があります。"
ラリーペイジ自身が結果を提示した後にアナリストとの電話会議で先週言ったように、過去には、歴史の15年をオンにしたとき、Googleは単に社会として、歳入で50,000百万ドルを突破した最初の年でした。正確には、2012年には2011年に37905000に比べて約25%の増加を50175000の請求があった。 2010年売上高は30,000百万円に近づいている。

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