Las pymes españolas ven mejoras en el acceso al crédito, según el BCE
La tasa de éxito en la concesión de los préstamos sube del 52% al 61%
El País Madrid 30 ABR 2014 - 13:27 CET
Spanish SMEs see improvements in access to credit, according to the ECB
The success rate in the granting of loans rises from 52% to 61%
The Country Madrid 30 ABR 2014 - 13:27 CET
Small and medium enterprises ( SMEs ) have shown better feeling about the credit flow in the last survey of the European Central Bank (ECB ), released today , and Spanish are among the group that has contributed to this change of sign which, however , is not the end of the funding problems for European smaller companies .
The success rate in applying for loans has been maintained and even reduced in most countries compared to September , with Ireland as a great exception , dropping to 38 % from 64 %. In Spain has risen from 52% to 61 % and Italy 52% to 57%. While granting the worst rates are in the Netherlands ( 25 % ) and Greece ( 33 % ), the highest achievement corresponds to Finland (83% ) and Germany ( 82%).
" While access to credit remains a major concern , worry, plus costs and achieving the customers," the ECB said in its statement , as the survey shows an increase in net financing between October and March. In addition , the need for bank loans was down 4 % compared to the previous report.
Spain reported a "significant improvement" in the availability of bank credit ( an increase of 16 % after 7% reduction ), while Belgium rose from -22 % to 2 % , Finland -27% to -15 %.
In addition, the external financing gap - the difference between the need for external background and availability of these through all channels - credit declined from 10 % in the previous period to 8% today , a trend that contributed to Spain , Germany, Ireland , Italy and the Netherlands.
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