スペインのありカンテの裁判所は、CAM:CAJA MEDITERANEOが契約したROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND の優先株式は、顧客に十分な情報を提供せずに詐欺的に契約したとして、無効とし309'021´44ユーロを返済するように判決
La Audiencia obliga a la CAM a devolver a un cliente 300.000 euros por preferentes
El tribunal estima que el personal de la caja se valió de la escasa "experiencia financiera" del comprador para realizar la operación
Santiago Navarro Alicante 1 OCT 2012 - 17:30 CET
The Court requires the CAM to return to a preferred customer for 300,000 euros
The court finds that the housing staff used the little "financial expertise" of the buyer to perform the operation
Santiago Navarro Alicante 1 OCT 2012 - 17:30 CET
The Alicante Court ratified the sentence of the court number 9 to the entity CAM Bank to return to a client preference shares of Royal Bank of Scotland, amounting to 309,021.44 euros. The high court rejected the appeal filed by Banco CAM and declared void the contract mentioned preferential quota.
In the section on legal grounds, the court (section 4A of the Audiencia of Alicante) said: "From the evidence of the interrogation conducted, it appears that the plaintiffs did not have enough experience or training in financial matters, so that they trusted in all times staff recommendations of the box, specifically the director of the office at the time of recruitment. "
The room also believes that CAM voluntarily withheld information to the client. "From the evidence examined follows then that the information provided to the contractor by the CAM was deficient or incomplete, which is to be considered in this case as fraudulent concealment determining an error invalidating the consent (of buyers)" Case points.
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