



Los recortes en las cuentas públicas para 2013 afectan a viudas y huérfanos

El Gobierno suprime los vuelos gratis para los funcionarios en el extranjero

Los presupuestos se quedan sin dinero para actualizar las pensiones
EDITORIAL: 'Pensiones políticas'
Jesús Sérvulo González Madrid 1 OCT 2012 - 00:02 CET

Cuts in public accounts for 2013 affect widows and orphans

The government suppresses free flights to foreign officials

Budgets are out of money for increasing pensions
EDITORIAL: 'Pension policies'

Jesus Gonzalez Madrid Sérvulo 1 OCT 2012 - 00:02 CET

Austerity permeates the Budget Bill for 2013. The Government has reduced the cost of operation of all ministries and closed the tap to investments and other projects. But pruning public accounts has been extended to consignments containing aid for widows and orphans, for public officials and state companies and foundations among others.
Scraps widows. The government postponed the implementation of Law 27/2011 of 1 August, updating, adaptation and modernization of the social security system, according to the Sixty additional provision of budget for 2013. By delaying the entry into force of this regulation slows the improvement of aid to widows aged 65 or over who receive no other public pension.
One of the provisions of the rule that the government has postponed forced him to take steps so that the amount of the survivor's pension is equal to at least 60% of the base salary. Applying this percentage to rise many widows pension, would be implemented gradually over a period of eight years from January 2012.
Reducing orfandad.A pension from January 1, 2013 and for an indefinite term, no new awards will be made pension for orphans over twenty nondisabled in the Passive Class System of the State, whatever their regulatory legislation, or under the special war legislation. In addition, orphan pensions Passive Class-orphans-officials for over twenty recognized under existing legislation to December 31, 1984 and that had caused prior to August 3, 1984 in the For staff within the scope of Law 30/1984 of 2 August, or before January 1, 1985 in another case, where the recipients were not incapacitated for all work from before their that age or the date of death of the deceased, be incompatible with the receipt of income from active work that permits the inclusion of the holder at any public social security system, as well as all other income or wage income replacement as the new writing given to Article 58 of the law of the State Passive Class. Those affected by this policy change will have two months to choose between the orphan's pension or additional income. "After one year without having exercised the option, choose to be understood that the rents or income replacement wage and suspend the payment of the pension."
Limited access to the judiciary. The government limits the public job for the judiciary and tax to a maximum of 50 seats, according to Additional Provision Fourteen. In Spain there are just under 5,000 judges so that the positions offered would be less than 1% of the total. The state attorney general, Eduardo Torres-Dulce, and the president of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), Gonzalo Moliner, claimed two weeks ago that they were not freeze the allocation of positions for judges and prosecutors for being "so necessary for service to the citizens. "
No more labor contracts in the public sector. Public companies and foundations of the state sector can not make new hires, except in the case of civil servants or work with a pre-existing character and indefinite fixed in the public state, regional or local level. "
Goodbye free flights for officials abroad. The Public Administration employees serving abroad are not entitled to free flights. The government suspended the extension of Article 26.3 of Royal Decree 462/2002 who voted every two years to these public workers a free flight expatriates return for him and his family to the chosen destination of Spain for their holidays.
Agreements are suspended salary increases. The Government has already announced that froze the salaries of nearly 547,000 officials, labor, and any other employees of the public administration. It also freezes the salaries of senior staff and other mutuals Social Security, as the eleventh additional provision. Besides suspending labor conventions and agreements involving salary increases, supplements or other items that raise the cost of state personnel.
Less resources for exhibitions in the Thyssen. The Thyssen Bornemisza not escape cuts. The maximum limit of resources for the works to be exhibited at the Foundation's headquarters located in Spain will be a maximum of 400 million euros, compared with 541 million budgeted in 2012.
The Church receives the same money monthly but yearly. The Church is frozen payments on account. In 2013, the State issued monthly to the Catholic Church EUR 13.2 million on account of the amount allocated by the financing agreement between the State and the Church, the same amount as in 2012. However, the tax allocation to the Catholic Church contained in the provisions of the income tax increase to 249.2 million, 3.2 million more than the current year.
Mínimo.El wage freezes Public Income Indicator (IPREM), the reference to calculate benefits and social assistance, is set to 2013 in 6390.13 per year (532.51 monthly), the same amount as the previous year.
Montoro tightens its control to communities. Communities that violate the stability objective (rule or deficit spending) must have permission from the Ministry of Finance to sign agreements that involve "transfer of resources from the state sector." Thus, the Treasury may freeze funds to communities that do not meet deficit targets.
Health Cohesion Fund. Communities be compensated for health care provided to citizens concerted insured in another State posted temporarily to Spain.




イエスゴンザレスマドリードSérvulo1 OCT 2012 - 午後12時02分CET
2013年1月1日からorfandad.A年金を削減し、無期限のため、新たな賞が20以上の孤児のための年金が国の受動Classシステムで健常行われません、何でも自分規制立法、または特別な戦争に関する法律に基づいて。また、20以上のClass-孤児-当局パッシブ孤児年金は1984年12月31日に、既存の法律の下で認識され、それがで1984年8月3日前に生じていた8月2日の法律の範囲1984分の30内のスタッフのために、または1985年1月1日以前に受信者が彼らの前からすべての仕事のために行動不能にされていなかった別の場合には年齢や故人の死亡日は、いかなる公的社会保障制度だけでなく、新たな他のすべての所得や賃金所得代替でホルダーを含めることを可能にするアクティブな仕事からの収入の領収書と互換性がない可能性があること州立パッシブクラスの律法の第58条に与えられた書面。この政策変更によって影響を受ける人々は、遺児年金又は追加の収入の間で選択する2ヶ月になります。 "オプションを行使せずに1年後、家賃や所得代替賃金とは、年金の支払いを停止することが理解されるように選択します。"
司法へのアクセスが制限され。政府は追加引当フォーティーンによると、50席の最大の司法制度や税制のための公共の仕事を制限します。スペインで提供されている位置は全体の1%未満となるように、すぐ下に5000審査員があります。州検事総長、エドゥアルド·トレス·ドゥルセ、司法の一般理事会(CGPJ)の社長、ゴンサロMolinerは、彼らが "とても必要であるため裁判官や検察官に対する位置の割り当てを凍結されていないことを2週間前に主張した市民へのサービスを提供しています。 "
公共部門の労働契約なくなる。公開企業と国営部門の基盤が公共州、地域または地方レベルで既存の文字と不定固定の公務員や仕事の場合を除いて、新入社員を作ることができない。 "
教会は毎月けど毎年同じお金を受け取ります。教会は、アカウントで支払いを凍結されています。 2013年に、国は国家と教会との間の融資契約、2012年と同じ量だけ割り当てられる量のアカウントの13.2百万ユーロのカトリック教会に毎月発行した。しかし、カトリック教会への税配分は2.492億への所得増税、現在の年間320万以上の規定に含まれている。
Mínimo.El賃金は、公共の利益指標(IPREM)、利益を計算するための基準や社会的援助は、(532.51月額)、年間6390.13 2013年に設定されているのと同じ量をフリーズ前年。
モントロは、地域社会にその制御を引き締めます。安定目標(ルールまたは赤字支出)に違反するコミュニティは伴う協定に署名するための財務省からの許可を持っている必要があります "国有部門からの資源の移転を。"したがって、財務省は財政赤字目標を満たしていない社会に資金を凍結することがあります。

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