
スペインのGUADALAJA 県のPARQUE NATURAL DEL ALTO TAJO (アルト=タホ自然公園)で森林火災が発生し,約1'500ha が焼失し、CHEQUILLA町とALCOROCHES街の住民約300人が一時避難、


スペインのGUADALAJA 県のPARQUE NATURAL DEL ALTO TAJO (アルト=タホ自然公園)で森林火災が発生し,約1'500ha が焼失し、CHEQUILLA町とALCOROCHES街の住民約300人が一時避難、

El incendio en el Parque Natural del Alto Tajo afecta ya a 1.500 hectáreas

La mayoría de los 300 evacuados de Chequilla y Alcoroches vuelven a sus casas

Un total de 100 efectivos y diez vehículos de la UME se suman a la lucha contra las llamas

El fuego arrasó 13.000 hectáreas del Parque Nacional del Alto Tajo hace siete años

María Dolores de Cospedal ha acudido a la zona para interesarse por las labores de extinción

The fire in the Alto Tajo Natural Park is already affecting 1,500 hectares

Most of the 300 evacuees Alcoroches Chequilla and go home

A total of 100 personnel and ten vehicles EMU join the fight against the flames

The fire destroyed 13,000 hectares of National Park seven years ago Alto Tajo

Maria Dolores de Cospedal has come to the area to inquire about the work of extinction

Madrid EFE 2 AGO 2012 - 10:22 CET
The weather and wind conditions that have been helped tonight perimetre that the area affected by the fire of the Alto Tajo Natural Park, which could help "does not get out," reported in the early hours of Thursday the deputy Minister in Guadalajara, Juan Pablo Sanchez. This is a place of immense ecological value and a complicated terrain bordering the provinces of Cuenca and Teruel, which is again in flames in 2005 after being burned 13,000 hectares.
At 12.08 on Wednesday, the fire started in the municipality of Chequilla. The deputy Minister said that the area ravaged by the flames could reach 1,500 hectares. According to Sanchez, over 200 people, a hundred Emergency Military Unit and as much of the Community Board, have worked all night to control the flames after Wednesday was declared alert level 2, still still on.

Some of the 110 residents who were transferred Chequilla to Peralejos of trout by the fire. / Pepe Zamora (Reuters)
Sources from the Ministry of Agriculture speak, however, mobilized 365 people and a total of 105/2: 12 aircraft, 65 ground, 18 management and coordination, logistics and five of five staff. It has made such wealth to take advantage of early morning before mid-morning to a revival of the windy conditions and heat.
The president of Castilla-La Mancha, María Dolores de Cospedal, visited on Thursday morning the command post located at a place called Alto de Megina, between the towns of Czech and Acoroches, to inquire on the spot by the work of extinguishing the fire. It is accompanied, among others, the president of the Provincial de Guadalajara, Ana Guarino, who on Wednesday also came to the area. Cospedal stressed that there are currently 250 people and 17 aerial resources to work, and pointed out that the fire "may be originated by an oversight" in a house in the town of Chequilla. They will not withdraw the alert level 2 for EMU to continue working in the area.
The fire forced the evacuation Wednesday of more than 300 residents of the populations and Alcoroches Chequilla, which were transferred to Peralejo of trout and Alustante. Sources from the Ministry of Agriculture stressed that some of the evacuees have stayed at home, while others have remained in shelters enabled in Molina de Aragon. In addition to these municipalities, Czech Taid residents have been warned of a possible evacuation.

more informationCivil Protection alert high risk of forest fires the next few daysFirefighters extinguished the fire given by the Alt EmpordàThe fire devours and more area than in all of 2011
The deputy Minister added that the work of extinction still early in this Thursday, when there has been a shift change and have begun to act all air assets, will work to cool the area.
In his view, the most important job was to prevent the fire road Alcoroches pass Checa, a "critical threshold" to be an important woodland.
Still unknown causes that have led to the fire, although, according to Sanchez, the important thing is to control and extinguish, and "there will be time to find the causes."
Meanwhile, firefighters Guadalajara Consortium have estimated at 2,000 hectares burned and added that the company is working to assemble Movistar mobile repeaters and to reestablish communications with the area.
EMU sources said Wednesday that the short-term conditions "are not the most conducive" to fight the fire. Ten Unit vehicles have joined the work of extinction. Among them, six fire engines and two nurses.
The number of resources deployed by the Fire Fighting Service of Castilla-La Mancha increased from 26 to 82 in the last hours of Wednesday, and the number of people mobilized increased from 83 to 286 at the same time.
The Parque del Alto Tajo Natural Park was declared in 2000, and is the largest protected area of ​​Castilla-La Mancha, and the third national park in Spain. It covers a total area of ​​105,721 hectares, which included 36 municipalities of Guadalajara and Cuenca 2.
A tragic fire, which originated in the Riba de Saelices, burned 13,000 hectares of Alto Tajo Natural Park in 2005 and ended the lives of 11 people from the forestry checkpoint involved in their extinction. A judgment, which judgment has been released just three weeks ago, found guilty only to one of three hikers who had been accused of neglecting a barbecue.
スペインのGUADALAJA 県のPARQUE NATURAL DEL ALTO TAJO (アルト=タホ自然公園)で森林火災が発生し,約1'500ha が焼失し、CHEQUILLA町とALCOROCHES街の住民約300人が一時避難、


300避難者の中で最もAlcoroches Chequilla行くホーム




2012 AGOマドリッドEFE2 - 10:22 CET

助けることができるアルトタホ自然公園の火によって影響を受ける領域があること今夜perimetre助けられました天候や風の条件 "出ていませんが、"木曜日の早い時間で報告グアダラハラの副大臣、ファン·パブロ·サンチェス。これは巨大な生態系の価値と13000ヘクタールを焼いた後、2005年の炎に再びクエンカ、テルエルの州に接する複雑な地形の場所です。

火災によるニジマスのPeralejosにChequillaを転送された110住民の一部。 /ペペサモラ(ロイター)
カスティーリャラマンチャの社長、マリア·ドローレス·デ·Cospedalは、の仕事でその場でのお問い合わせは、木曜日の朝にチェコとAcorochesの町の間、アルト·デ·Meginaと呼ばれる場所に位置して指揮所を訪れました消火。それは、とりわけ、水曜日にも、この地域に来た地方グアダラハラ、アナグアリーノの社長に同行しています。 Cospedal動作させるには250人と17空中リソースが現在あることを強調し、火災がChequillaの町の家で "監督によって発信される"と指摘した。彼らは地域での作業を続行するEMUのアラートレベル2を撤回しません。
火はトラウトとAlustanteのPeralejoに移管された集団とAlcoroches Chequilla、300以上の住民の水曜日避難を余儀なくされた。他のモリナ·デ·アラゴンで有効になって避難所に残っている一方、農業省からのソースは、避難者の一部は自宅に宿泊していることを強調した。これらの自治体に加えて、チェコTaid住民が避難可能性を警告されています。

彼の見解では、最も重要な仕事は、火災、道路Alcorochesは、 "クリティカルのしきい値"は重要な森林地帯であるためには、チェカを渡すことを防ぐためだった。
火災につながっている、まだ原因不明、サンチェスによれば、重要なことは、制御し、消火、とすることであるが、 "原因を見つけるための時間があるでしょう。"
EMUのソースは、短期的な条件は、火災と戦うために "最も助長していない"と発表した。十ユニット車は絶滅の仕事に参加しています。これらのうち、6消防車と2看護師。

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