ドイツ連邦銀行総裁のイェンス=ウェイドマン(Jens Weidomann)氏は欧州中央銀行との対立で辞任の可能性か?
La tensión con el BCE apunta hacia la dimisión del presidente del Bundesbank
La salida de Jens Weidmann sería la tercera deserción por discrepancias, tras la salida de su predecesor, Axel Weber, y el ex economista del instituto emisor Jürgen Stark
El País Madrid 30 AGO 2012 - 12:15 CET
The tension with the ECB points to the resignation of the president of the Bundesbank
Jens Weidmann output would drop by discrepancies third, after the departure of his predecessor, Axel Weber and former central bank economist Jürgen Stark
The Country Madrid 30 AGO 2012 - 12:15 CET
Jens Weidmann could have borrowed time as president of the Bundesbank because of his confrontation with the European Central Bank (ECB) for the purchase of sovereign debt, Handelsblatt newspaper reported Thursday, citing a source with Klaus-Peter Willsch, Union party member Christian Democrat (CDU).
The confrontation of the German central bank chief with ECB President Mario Draghi, has been airing a frequency. Elpróximo Thursday, the head of the central bank of the euro is expected to announce a new program of buying bonds of countries to alleviate the risk premiums of countries under pressure from the markets, such as Spain and Italy. A few days ago Weidmann claimed that such interventions is "addictive as a drug."
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