



Bruselas: el rescate catalán tendrá “estrictas condiciones presupuestarias”

La Comisión recuerda que el Gobierno central y las comunidades deben cumplir el déficit

L. DONCEL Bruselas 29 AGO 2012 - 14:53 CET

Brussels: the Catalan bailout will have "strict budgetary conditions"

The Commission recalls that the central government and communities must meet the deficit

L. DONCEL Brussels 29 AGO 2012 - 14:53 CET

It took about a few hours for Brussels put the record straight. If the Catalan government yesterday claimed that the rescue of 5,000 million have no political conditions for being the money "that Catalans pay their taxes," a European Commission spokesman has clarified today that this aid is subject to "strict budgetary conditions , in line with our recommendations for Spain ".

Brussels takes note of the request to the Regional Liquidity Fund-that the three communities that have requested assistance has exhausted nearly half of its 18,000 million, and remember that both the central government authorities as autonomic must take steps to meet deficit targets. "We hope to do everything necessary," the spokesman said Economic and Monetary Affairs. Communities should end the year with a deficit of 1.5% for the entire state to meet its target of 6.3%.

"The Commission and the Council have called the new law enforcement budget stability and the adoption of strong measures in the regions," added the spokesman Simon O'Connor.

Catalonia's request adds to the already accomplished by the Valencia and Murcia. Among these three communities, have sought some 8,500 million in total, almost half depleted endowment Regional Liquidity Fund. However, consider this instrument Brussels suffice. "We understand that the 18,000 million that the Spanish government has set aside for the fund will be sufficient for projected needs," said the spokesman of Economic Affairs



L. 2012 AGO DONCELブリュッセル29日 - 午前14時53分CET

ブリュッセルには、地域の流動性への要求に留意するファンドという援助を要求していた3つのコミュニティは、18,000百万の半分近く排出され、自律神経などの中央政府当局の両方がための措置をとる必要があることを覚えています赤字目標を達成 "我々は必要なすべてのことを願っている"と広報担当者は、経済·金融事務を語った。コミュニティは、6.3%という目標を満たすために州全体では1.5%の赤字前年終了する必要があります。


カタルーニャの要求はすでにバレンシアムルシアによって達成に加算されます。これらの3つのコミュニティの中で、合計ほぼ半分の枯渇養老地域の流動性基金の一部の8500万ドルを求めている。しかし、この楽器ブリュッセルで十分検討してください。 "我々は、スペイン政府が資金のために取っておかれたことを18,000百万は、投影されたニーズには十分であろうことを理解し"経済スポークスマンは言った

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