“Juro que dejaré mi ética en segundo plano en época de crisis”
Médicos del Mundo lanza una impactante campaña para que los sanitarios atiendan a sin papeles
Real Decreto-ley 16/2012, de 20 de abril, para garantizar la sostenibilidad del Sistema Nacional de Salud
300 médicos madrileños objetan a dejar de atender a inmigrantes
Sergio Delgado Salmador Madrid 22 AGO 2012 - 11:46 CET
"I swear I will leave my ethical background in times of crisis"
MdM launched a powerful campaign to attend health paperless
Royal Decree-Law 16/2012, of April 20, to ensure sustainability of the NHS
300 doctors locals object to immigrants neglecting
Sergio Delgado Salmador Madrid 22 AGO 2012 - 11:46 CET
Doctors of the World has announced the launch of the campaign to cure law for health professionals gather adherents to conscientious objection against health exclusion of immigrants in an irregular situation and contribute to the initiative launched on July 10 by the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (SEMFYC), which now totals more than 1,300 objectors.
"As published in April royal decree, we saw that breaks the path of the welfare state.'s The first major regression in healthcare," says campaign coordinator, Stefan Meyer. The initiative also comprises other citizen action through its web www.derechoacurar.org and demonstrations in the street next to immigrant associations on 31 August and 1 September.
Alvaro Gonzalez, president of Doctors of the World, the Government rejects reform, first, for being "medically risky and irresponsible", a lack of attention can lead to poor control and spread of disease. The royal decree clashes also "the fundamental right to health enshrined in the Constitution and various international agreements signed" and based on "the myth that immigrants come to be served, when they come to make a living," he argues .
The initiative, aimed at first medical doctors and family practitioners extends to all medical, nursing or health administration because, as acknowledged Gonzalez, "we want to be a vehicle of transmission to healthcare personnel claimed, exercised its right of resistance and their right to heal anyone that needs it, regardless of their administrative status. "
From Hippocrates to video
The Iimpactante video promoting the campaign "broke the Hippocratic oath, with the idea of a spin and make a satire," says John Woods, producer. Staring into the camera and medical personnel harsh sentences, the campaign has sought to highlight the general principle in medicine to "address with the same diligence and application to all patients without discrimination," according to the code of ethics of the Council General Medical Colleges of Spain. "The law calls for a different existing oath, so we propose a new scenario in which this was real, but to have their fingers crossed as children, and it shows that it brings you back to reality," concluded Woods.
Right to cure has also produced, different material like posters, viral videos, stickers and badges for social networks. In addition, the campaign already has the support of medical societies, professional associations and NGOs.
Gonzalez also stressed that the initiative launched by MdM also aims to sensitize and mobilize citizens in support of the medical profession and for the right to health. The site includes various materials for it as a form letter that any citizen can direct your doctor to ask for objecting against exclusion of immigrants.
In the Madrid region about 300 physicians have already joined the rebellion. Alongside these, autonomous regions such as Andalusia, the Basque Country and Asturias have also shown against the law, which can produce "differences between regions and even migration," says Gonzalez. Although conscientious objection on the part of health personnel has opponents, Meyer bid to ensure health care, "even if you do it by the back door".
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