



El Estado supera en seis meses el déficit de todo el año por el gasto del paro

El desfase de la Administración central llega al 4,04% y supera el 3,5% fijado para 2012

El anticipo de transferencias y el adelanto a los servicios de empleo explican el repunte

Hacienda adelanta 4.407 millones en la primera mitad de 2012 al Servicio Público de Empleo

Calcula en 1.500 millones el ingreso adicional hasta junio por la reforma del IRPF

The State exceeds six months full-year deficit spending for unemployment

The shift of the central government reaches more than 4.04% and 3.5% set for 2012

The advance of transfers and advancement to employment services explain the recovery

Treasury anticipates 4.407 million in the first half of 2012 the Public Employment Service

Estimated at 1,500 million additional income through June by the income tax reform

Alejandro Bolaños Madrid 31 JUL 2012 - 13:01 CET
The central government budget is stretched to patch what the recession and lack of credit accounts tear at other administrations and agencies. And the deficit, the only one still can be financed in the markets, even at a very high-cost, swollen by the advance of transfers continues to grow. A mid-year, according to accounts released by Treasury, is already at 4.04% of GDP, when the objective that central government wants is 3.5%.
"One of our priorities is that the liquidity crisis does not affect either the public or other levels of government," he explained at a press conference Secretary of State for Budget, Marta Fernandez Currás. From theory to practice, this means that the central government has advance payment of 14,500 million, nearly 5,500 million more than in May. This increase largely explains the rise in the deficit (from 36.364 million, 3.4% in May to 43,078,000 in June). And that is due also largely to the advance of money to the Public Employment Service so that it can meet its obligations, fueled by an unemployment rate (24.6%) at record levels.

The item of interest and spending cuts in personnel do not meet the planned objectives
With the speeding up of transfers in June, the Public Employment Service has received 4.407 million more than he had entered the central government at this time in 2011. Most experts warned that the money budgeted for this public was insufficient, that unemployment benefits overwhelm expectations. And the advance is a first indication of suffering liquidity problems.
The Public Employment Service joins other levels of government, as the Autonomous Communities (5,476,000 developed), the Social Security (2,575 million) or the municipalities (865 million), with huge liquidity problems, to which the Central Executive assists with the advance of payments for other reasons, transfers to the EU also are moving ahead, at 1.093 million. Synthesized a situation last week, the Minister of Finance of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Andreu Mas-Collel: "Catalonia is not another bank that the Government of Spain."
Treasury assumes that more progress will be needed soon, that increased spending on transfers (38% more than in 2011) is temporary and will be renewed during the year. Hence, insisting on presenting the outcome budget "like terms", a calculation which excludes both transfers and advances the fastest pace in tax refunds (1,356 million more than in 2011). With this assumption, the deficit would remain at 2.56% of GDP. "So we check to what extent they are meeting the expectations we did in the budget," argued the secretary of state.
In the half year review of these forecasts out very bad off the budget estimate of interest expense on the public debt, which records and an increase of 33% compared to 2011, in line with the huge rise in financing costs for the Spanish Government in recent months. The cut in wages of public employees (-1.4%) is lower than expected, although at year end will be felt the removal of the December pay recently approved by the Executive Rajoy. The snip current spending (25% less) and investment (33% less than in 2011) is eloquent.

more informationMontoro advances that the deficit rose to 4% until JuneSpending on unemployment accelerates and exceeds government forecastsTreasury imposes on autonomy meet the deficit with more cuts
The analysis of income-including what would later be distributed to communities and municipalities, leaving little new compared to May, with minimal improvement in tax revenues attributable to income tax. The cumulative decline in VAT (10% is levied less than in 2011), the most faithful reflection of the fall in domestic demand, is almost identical to the previous month. Treasury maintains that the high rate of returns on corporate income tax from seeing even the results of the reform, restricting deductions and other tax benefits to companies: without those returns, estimates, revenue would have increased by 25%, and not just 4%, as reflected in budget execution. "In the second half we'll see what the real impact," continued Fernandez Currás.
What has begun to get traction is the collection of income tax, benefit from the "temporary surcharge" on the guys who ordered the Government for this exercise. Treasury estimates that this reform has raised millions more through June 1500 (the forecast for 2012 is around 4,000 million), a determining factor for income tax revenues increase by 2% over last year.
Currás Fernandez repeatedly referred to the removal of a paid public employees, or the VAT increase is due in September, as making "derivative" of the recent European agreement that gives Spain a year until 2014 to adjust the deficit. He kept that with these measures, and standardization in the transfers will be saved deviations reflect data mid-year budget.






アレハンドロ·ボラニョスマドリード31 JUL 2012 - 13時01 CET


公共職業サービスが先である、巨大な流動性の問題で、自治コミュニティ(5476000が開発した)、社会保障(2575万)や市町村(865百万円)として、政府の他のレベルの結合中央執行は、他の理由で支払いを事前に支援し、EUへの転送も1093000で、進めています。状況先週を合成し、カタルーニャ、アンドリューはMAS-CollelのGeneralitatの財務大臣は、 "カタルーニャはスペインの政府はその別の銀行ではありません。"
財務省はより多くの進展が転送(2011年比38%以上)の一時的なものであり、年間更新される支出を増加させることが、すぐに必要とされることを想定しています。したがって、転送、および進歩税還付で最速のペース(2011年より1356万以上)の両方を除いた計算では、 "用語のような"結果の予算を提示する主張。この前提で、赤字はGDPの2.56パーセントにとどまるだろう。 "だから我々は、彼らが我々は予算にした期待を満たしているどの程度までチェックし、"国務長官が主張した。

後で所得税に起因する税収の最小限の改良で、5月に比べて少し新しいを残して、コミュニティや自治体に配布されるものを含む利益の分析。付加価値税の累積減少(10%が2011年に以下を課している)、国内需要の落ち込みの中で最も忠実な反射は、前月とほぼ同じです。会社に控除やその他の税制上の優遇措置を制限する、改革のも結果を見てから企業所得税の収益率が高いことが財務省が維持されます。それらを返すことなく、見通し、売上高はわずか25%増加し、されていないだろう4%、予算執行に反映された。 "後半では我々がどのような実質的な影響を参照してくださいよ"とフェルナンデスCurrásは続けた。
何が牽引力は、この演習のために政府に命じた男の "一時的な有料"の恩恵を受ける所得税のコレクションであるものになっています。財務省はこの改革は1500年6月(2012年の予想は4,000百万程度である)、所得税収入が前年比2%ずつ増加するための決定因子を介してより多くの何百万もの資金を調達していると推定している。
Currásフェルナンデスが繰り返し支払わ公務員の除去と呼ばれる、または付加価値税の増加は、調整するために2014年まで年間スペインを与える最近の欧州協定の "誘導体"を作るとして、9月の予定です赤字。彼は、偏差が今年半ばの予算データを反映してこれらの措置であることを維持し、および転送の標準化が保存されます。

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