Directo | Rajoy no responde a la pregunta de si España pedirá el rescate
"Tendremos que estudiar si lo hacemos o no", ha dicho Monti, que no descarta pedir ayuda
El presidente español, Mariano Rajoy, y el primer ministro italiano, Mario Monti, han coincidido en reafirmar su compromiso con las reformas, han reconocido que están pidiendo esfuerzos a los ciudadanos y han avanzado que trabajarán por acelerar la implantación de los acuerdos europeos. Ambos dirigentes acaban de recibir el jarro de agua fría del presidente del BCE, el también italiano Mario Draghi, que ha pospuesto la esperada compra de deuda por parte del instituto emisor hasta que los países soliciten la activación de los fondos de rescate. "Tendremos que estudiar si lo hacemos o no", ha dicho Monti. Rajoy no ha respondido a la pregunta de si España pedirá el rescate.
Live | Rajoy does not answer the question of whether Spain will ask the rescue
"We have to consider whether we do or not," said Monti, would not rule out asking for help
The Country Madrid 2 AGO 2012 - 14:05 CET195
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Mariano Rajoy
Mario Draghi
political meetings
Moncloa Palace
Mario Monti
Government of Spain
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The Spanish prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, and Italian Prime Minister, Mario Monti, have agreed to reaffirm its commitment to reform, have recognized that efforts are asking citizens and have advanced work to accelerate the implementation of the Europe Agreements. The two leaders have just received the cold water of the ECB President, fellow Italian Mario Draghi, who has postponed the expected purchase of debt by the central bank until the countries requesting the activation of the bailout funds. "We have to consider whether we do or not," said Monti. Rajoy has not answered the question of whether Spain will ask the rescue.
Live | Rajoy does not answer the question of whether Spain will ask the rescue
"We have to consider whether we do or not," said Monti, would not rule out asking for help
The Country Madrid 2 AGO 2012 - 14:05 CET195
Filed in:
Mariano Rajoy
Mario Draghi
political meetings
Moncloa Palace
Mario Monti
Government of Spain
political acts
financial Crisis
State administration
international Organizations
public administration
foreign affairs
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The Spanish prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, and Italian Prime Minister, Mario Monti, have agreed to reaffirm its commitment to reform, have recognized that efforts are asking citizens and have advanced work to accelerate the implementation of the Europe Agreements. The two leaders have just received the cold water of the ECB President, fellow Italian Mario Draghi, who has postponed the expected purchase of debt by the central bank until the countries requesting the activation of the bailout funds. "We have to consider whether we do or not," said Monti. Rajoy has not answered the question of whether Spain will ask the rescue.
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