Alemania amenaza a Grecia con dejarla caer si incumple
La troika vincula el próximo tramo de la ayuda a que Atenas acometa ajustes comprometidos
Enrique Müller / Luis Doncel Berlín / Bruselas 14 AGO 2012 - 00:00 CET
Germany threatens to drop if Greece defaults
The troika links next tranche of aid to Athens adjustments rush committed
Enrique Müller / Luis Doncel Berlin / Brussels 14 AGO 2012 - 00:00 CET
On his return to Berlin after the holidays, the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, has found on his desk a tight press summary statements which stood prominent members of his coalition government that only portend bad news for Greece. Also yesterday received more data confirming that the recession in Athens will be even harder than expected.
Michael Fuchs, the influential Democrat parliamentary group vice president, said the newspaper Handelsblatt that there will be economic additional aid if the government fails Antonis Samaras commitments. "If Athens defaults, the European Central Bank should not open other mechanisms to inject funds," said the deputy, who said that Greece should leave the euro zone if it fails to follow the path.
The Fuchs outright statements are not the only ones who have heard the Germans these days and just need to know if they respond to an official strategy. The foreign minister, Guido Westerwelle Liberal said last Sunday from Mallorca to a substantial deviation in the reform program of Greece could lead to changes in the agreement for the grant of the next leg of the second bailout approved.
His colleague of Economy and militant liberal FDP, Philipp Rösler, was a little further on Saturday and admitted he was disappointed by the lack of visible progress in the reforms implemented. "We offered, along with German industry, broad support for the Greek government, but have hardly made use of this offer," said the minister and vice chancellor. Rösler had already caused a stir a few weeks ago when he said that a possible abandonment of Greece in the euro zone had ceased to "cause fear".
Marcus Söder, Bavarian Finance Minister, added fuel to the fire to ensure that it was time that the Greeks leave the European family. "At one point, everyone must move out of Mom's house, and the Greeks have come to this situation," said Bavarian Minister. These comments garnered a torrent of criticism, even from within the government coalition in which his party is involved, the PSC of the CSU.
While exhausted the patience of the German political, economic news coming from Athens are even worse than expected. Yesterday Greek statistical agency took a cold shower again to report that the Greek GDP fell 6.2% in the second quarter versus the same period last year. Worst of all is that this decline will continue in the second half of the year and in 2013 a period in which the Government has to cut 11,600 million if he wants to please the European authorities.
The catastrophic scenario is look where you look: unemployment has gone in a year of less than 17% to 23.1%, with an incidence in young slash 55%, in what some analysts consider the most hard by the country's happened after World War II. Although the Government expected that this year the economy receded less than 5%, government sources now support the microphones outside the figures of 2012 will be similar to last year, when GDP fell by 6.9%.
But even those forecasts may be overtaken by events. "We expect the economy to contract by 7.1% this year and 2.4% in 2013 after more significant drops in disposable income of households, rising unemployment and plummeting investment activity," said the Reuters Eurobank economist Theodore Stamatiou.
Greek state today will test the credibility that has markets in an attempt to short-term finance. Samaras's conservative government, which has stepped up sales of Treasury bills auction securities maturing in 13 weeks to raise 3,200 million. "According to our information, the auction is under control and should cover the financing needs of Greece for a long period," a spokesman said yesterday the European Commission. President of the Eurogroup, Jean-Claude Juncker, will travel to Athens on 22 August to oversee the measures to be unlocked in September next tranche of bailout, 31,000 million euros. troika (IMF, ECB and EC) estimates that even needs detailing 4,000 million in adjustments already committed.
While Athens suffers whenever he wants to finance in the markets, investors agreed yesterday to pay again to buy German Treasury bonds in the short term.
The role of Germany in the European crisis does not end there. Yesterday, a group of academics announced that he had asked the Constitutional Court to delay its verdict, scheduled for September 12, on the legality of the permanent bailout fund, key in the structure devised by the EU to assist countries in trouble, as Spain.
2012 AGOエンリケ·ミュラー/ルイスDoncelベルリン/ブリュッセル14 - 00:00 CET
マイケル·フックス、影響力のある民主党会派の副社長は、政府がアントニス·サマラスのコミットメントを失敗した場合に経済的追加援助があるでしょう新聞ハンデルスブラットと述べた。 "アテネが省略されると、欧州中央銀行が資金を注入するために他のメカニズムを開くべきではない"それは道を歩むために失敗した場合、ギリシャがユーロ圏を残すべきであると言った副は述べています。
経済と過激派リベラルFDPの彼の同僚は、フィリップRöslerは、土曜日にさらに少しでした、そして、彼が実装改革の目に見える進歩性の欠如に失望したと認めた。 "我々は、ドイツの産業界と一緒に、ギリシャ政府について広範なサポートを提供したが、ほとんどこのオファーの使用を加えていない"と大臣と副首相は語った。彼はユーロ圏のギリシャの可能性放棄は "恐怖を引き起こす"消滅していたと言ったときRöslerはすでに数週間前に物議をかもしていた。
マーカスSöder、バイエルン財務大臣は、ギリシャ人はヨーロッパの家族を残していること、それが時間だったことを確認するために火に油を追加しました。 "ある時点で、誰もがお母さんの家の外に移動する必要があり、ギリシア人はこのような状況になってきた、"バイエルン大臣は語った。これらのコメントはあっても彼の党が関与している政府の連立、CSUのPSCの内から、批判の急流を獲得した。
しかし、これらの予想は、イベントに取って代わられる可能性があります。 "我々は、家計の可処分所得のより大幅に低下した後、2013年には失業率の上昇と急落投資活動を経済が今年7.1%縮小することを期待して2.4%、"言ったロイターユーロバンクのエコノミスト、セオドアStamatiou。
ギリシャの状態は、今日は、短期金融への試みで、市場を持っている信頼性をテストします。 3200万ドルを調達する13週間で成熟財務省証券のオークション証券の販売を強化してきたサマラスの保守的な政府、。 "我々の情報によると、オークションは制御下にあり、長い期間のためのギリシャの資金調達ニーズをカバーする必要があります"とスポークスマンは昨日、欧州委員会は言った。ユーログループの社長、ジャン=クロード·ユンカーは、22日にアテネに旅行予定救済の9月次のトランシェでロック解除されるための措置、31,000百万ユーロ。でもすでにコミット調整で4,000万人を詳述必要トロイカ(IMF·ECBとEC)の見積もりを監督するために8月。
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