

Martes, 14 de Agosto de 2012 - Actualizado a las 19:30 h.

Cinco Dias


Los inversores reclaman rebajas de hasta el 30% para comprar los títulos a diez años en el secundario

El mercado dispara la prima de riesgo de las regiones y las aboca al fondo de liquidez

Las autonomías afrontan este año vencimientos de deuda por 35.782 millones. Las rentabilidades que se les exigen en el mercado secundario de deuda varían entre el 12% y el 13% para títulos a diez años. Eso supone una prima de riesgo, un riesgo-región, de 1.200 puntos sobre el bono alemán y un diferencial de 600 puntos respecto a los títulos emitidos por el Tesoro español. El mercado está cerrado y eso obligará a las regiones a acudir de forma paulatina al fondo de liquidez creado por el Ejecutivo central.

Investors claim rebates of up to 30% to buy the securities to ten years in the secondary

The market risk premium boosts regions and sworn to the liquidity fund

Autonomy facing maturing debt this year by 35.782 million. The returns that are required in the secondary market vary between 12% and 13% for titles to ten years. That's a risk premium, risk-region of 1,200 points on German bonds and a spread of 600 points on the securities issued by the Spanish Treasury. The market is closed and that will force the regions to come gradually to liquidity fund created by the central executive.

In the case of Catalonia market behavior is very demanding, and just crossing operations for 50,000 euros a day as point sources familiar with the operation. For a two-year placement issued in April 2011 requires a 13% discount to holders of bonds and a return of 15%, giving an idea of ​​the interest rate would have to pay today if emitiese bonds Catalonia that period.
If the period analyzed is that of ten years, the discount is asked to holders in the secondary is no less than 30% and interest reaches 12%. This represents a spread of 600 basis points compared to debt issued by the State and 1,100 over the German in the same deadlines.
So it is in Valencia, where he comes to demand a return of 24%, typical of high risk assets to securities issued in December 2011 to twelve months, as indicated by some back operations last week. Worse are the bond investors from other regions such as Andalusia and Murcia, with which transactions are not recorded directly, according to data from stock exchanges and markets. But the clues offered by the secondary market latest talks in the Andalusian case discounts of 10% of the principal in bond prices and yields consistent with such a discount.
Communities accumulated in the last quarter of 2011 in debt and finance 140.083 million is not going to allow it to reach beyond the 160 099 000 later this year, according to the limits of the Council of Fiscal and Financial Policy. This year will have a range of new debt of 20.014 million euros, a figure that seems rather small and that it will allocate mainly to refinance debt maturing this year and the amount is raised to 35.782 million.
Until recent months, communities chose to issue debt or bonds patriotic throw. Now the most indebted have junk bond rating and have been extremely expensive emissions, and not individuals who took the titles in the primary market now have options to get rid of them in the secondary.
The financial relief
Thus, the vast majority of autonomy will be forced to turn gradually Autonomous Liquidity Fund (FLA) which will enable the Executive shortly before its cash requirements. That if there is any community before it achieves lock through the courts. Andalusia is the first which has already announced its intention to lodge an appeal with the Constitutional disproportionate considering the deficit and debt ceilings because, according to his calculations, will force you to budget for 2013 with 3,000 million less.
The fund will be endowed with 18,000 million, of which 8,000 will come from the bench, 6,000 and 4,000 State Lottery through the Treasury. That money will be available to communities who have problems to finance and lead, as repeatedly stressed the Minister of Finance and Public Administration, Cristobal Montoro, "strict conditionality."
The one problem is is Catalonia, with a maturity value of 13,476 for the entire year of 4796 for the final quarter. The Catalan president, Artur Mas, and has urged Rajoy to launch the fund as soon as possible to their difficulties to meet the payments for August. Proof of this is that it failed to pay 416 million in July to social agencies to meet their financial commitments.
Catalonia, Murcia and Valencia are the three regions that have publicly stated their intention to go to the bailout fund and it looks like it will not be alone. Only four autonomous regions (Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla y Leon and Extremadura) have some financial slack this year to be well below the amount of maturity to the limit imposed by the Treasury. Several have shown interest in analyzing conditions first.

1.3% is the average fall of regional GDP in 2012, according to BBVA Research.
5.8 points is the correction that has to do Castilla-La Mancha this year to meet the deficit of 1.5%.

Disputes over the new deficit target
The executive and autonomy not only focus their discussions on the debt limits, but also extended to the new deficit targets. The economic downturn and the inability to reach the initial limit set by Brussels (5.3%) has forced the EU authorities to relax at one point this goal and leave it at 6.3%.
Thus, the State may incur a deficit of 4.5% (vs. 3.5% previously), the autonomy is maintained at 1.5% and the nearby villages ranging from 0.3% . Government sources confirm that the central government reserves the extra point deficit, but not to tell no more with that margin towards meeting its budgetary limits. "We manage that margin if necessary to help the rest of government to meet these specific objectives," stress from the Treasury. However, the effort to which some communities to reach the deficit target of 1.5% seems almost impossible unless you bet on massive spending cutbacks and tax increases.
The best example is that of Castilla-La Mancha, which should cut the deficit 5.8 points in just one year, which is set to launch a spending of 1,532 million euros, the most important of all regions in relative terms.
An even more complex set on a stage of collapse of low income and expenditure restraint. Between 2009 and 2011, revenues of the community governed today by Maria Dolores de Cospedal are down 26% from 9,408 to 6,967,000, while spending grew by 9%, accumulating a deficit in late 2011 of 7.3%.





カタルーニャの市場行動の場合には非常に厳しいされており、単に操作に精通してポイントソースとして5万ユーロの日の業務を横断。 2011年4月に発行された2年間の配置のために今日支払わなければならない金利のアイデアを与え、債券の保有者に13%割引、15%のリターンを必要とする場合emitiese債券カタルーニャその期間。
債務と金融の2011年の最終四半期に蓄積されたコミュニティは、140083000、それが財政金融政策理事会の制限に従って、160 099 000今年の後半を超えて到達できるようにするつもりはない。今年は20014000ユーロ、かなり小さいようで、それが今年満期債務の借り換えをするために主に配分することと、量が35782000に引き上げられ、図の新たな債務の範囲があります。
したがって、自治の大半は、まもなくその現金要件の前に執行できるようになります徐々に自律的な流動性基金(FLA)をオンに強制されます。それは裁判所を通じてロックを実現する前に、すべてのコミュニティがある場合は、その。アンダルシア2013000000 3,000未満のため、予算に強制され、彼の計算によると、ので、すでに赤字と債務の天井を考慮し、憲法不釣り合いなの抗告をする意向を発表したどの最初のものです。
基金は、財務省を通して8,000ベンチから来る、そのうち18000人、6000と4000の状態宝くじに恵まれているされます。繰り返して財務大臣及び行政、モントロ、強調したようにそのお金は、資金と導くために問題を抱えているコミュニティに利用できるようになります "厳格な条件を。"


したがって、国が4.5%(対前に3.5%)の赤字が発生する可能性があり、自律性は1.5%で維持し、近くの村は0.3%に至るまでされてい政府筋は、中央​​政府は、余分なポイントの赤字を有していることを確認しますが、その予算の制限を満たすに向かってそのマージンをこれ以上言わないようにできません。財務省からストレスを "必要に応じて我々は、これらの特定の目標を達成するために、政府の残りの部分を支援するために、そのマージンを管理する"。あなたが大規模な支出削減と増税に賭ける場合を除きしかし、いくつかのコミュニティが1.5%の財政赤字目標に到達するための努力はほとんど不可能と思われる。
低所得と支出抑制の崩壊のステージ上で、さらに複雑なセットです。支出は9%増ながら、2009年と2011年の間、マリア·ドローレス·デ·Cospedalによって今日支配地域の収益は、2011年後半の赤字を蓄積し、ダウン26パーセント9408から6967000までです。 7.3パーセント。

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