スペインのカタルーニャ地方の連立与党の保守党の国民党の党首のカマチョ(Alicia Sanchez Camacho)氏は,民族保守党のCIU(Convergencia i Union)党は、カタルーニャ独立に偏向していると連立離脱を示唆
“Mas ha perdido el sentido común y de la responsabilidad”
“Cataluña necesita un modelo de financiación que limite la solidaridad”, dice la presidenta del PP
La líder popular critica al presidente de la Generalitat por priorizar la independencia sobre la crisis
Miquel Noguer Barcelona 20 AGO 2012 - 00:33 CET
Alicia Sanchez-Camacho | PRESIDENT OF PP in Catalonia
"But has lost common sense and responsibility"
"Catalonia need a funding model that limits solidarity," says the president of the PP
The popular leader criticizes President of the Government to prioritize the independence on the crisis
Miquel Noguer Barcelona 20 AGO 2012 - 00:33 CET
The president of the Popular Party of Catalonia, Alicia Sanchez-Camacho (Barcelona, 1967) says that the threat of breaking Convergence and Union (CiU) will this time seriously. After saving two budgets nationalists Artur Mas and support most of the first laws of the legislature, Sánchez-Camacho prepares CiU clear he understands that the federation has become definitely independence.
Question. The political course ended his CiU warning that there would be a change in relations between the two parties if nationalists take the path sovereigntist. What will materialize?
Response. This change of attitude is going to go according to what the Government Artur Mas. Over recent months has changed the order of priorities. His big bet is no longer out of the crisis but the independence agenda. Before this change, the PP is very clear and will serve as the sole guarantor of Catalonia united.
P. But withdraw its support Artur Mas?
R. We considered seriously withdraw this support because the purpose was to ensure governance supporting austerity policies aimed at economic recovery. Now what I want more is to pose as the independence of Catalonia priority and we will not guarantee this governance. Of 21 laws have supported more than 18, but this will not be repeated if it is looking for more independence.
P. Hard to imagine the PP voting against economic laws and control the deficit, at bottom, are approved by order of the central government and Europe.
R. The problem is that it is changing its CiU government action. Is abandoning its attitude of loyalty to the Government of Spain and replaced by the constant attack. But want to blame the central government for their own mistakes and irresponsibility; Ecuador is in the legislature with a clearly negative balance and want to blame Spain. Convergence and Union must be self-critical about their own management, which has led to more crises Catalonia. Now the lack of unity of the Catalan Government itself leads to a crossroads that will generate a very serious problem to Catalan society.
"Much of CiU
separating target
of Spain "
P. But you have supported nearly all laws. Do not feel responsible for policy Mas?
R. We have declined to budgets, we have ensured the smooth governance and fiscal policy that Mr. Mas wanted to do more burdensome for the Catalans. But all that was agreed more compared to superfluous spending, public companies, has not fulfilled it. Therefore, it has not fulfilled its commitment to the Catalan PP.
P. If I thought they were harmful, why abstained and did not vote against?
R. It is not thought to be harmful. Were necessary to overcome the crisis. We should stop spending policies of the tripartite and exchange them for deficit control policies. We have led these measures. We led a reform agenda and control of public expenditure on employment recovery that was the basis for economic growth. But more government spending has kept identity.
P. The fiscal pact was approved by the Parliament and was in the electoral program of CiU. Why PP speaks of it as "blackmail"?
R. One thing is that a claim is legitimate and the other is that this claim is always used as an element of confrontation with the government of Spain. Mas has lost common sense and responsibility.
Q. Will there be a meeting between Rajoy and more coming?
"There is a risk of losing the institutional sense and go to a train wreck"
R. But the government is divided, has lost much of the illusion, no project beyond the fiscal pact as the fiscal pact does not occur all ends Mas agenda. But should straighten what remains of legislature without the fiscal pact. Mr. But if fiscal pact fails no alternative project.
P. You see secession as a real possibility?
R. I see it as a real risk that this government lost the institutional sense and generate a conflict and there is a major train wreck. Use the discussion of the fiscal pact as an excuse to begin the road to rupture.
P. What are his repeated meetings with ministers? It seems that Rajoy has no intention of sitting down to negotiate the fiscal compact.
R. The answer is and was very clear. It was well known that in a moment as dramatic as it would be difficult to dispose of a claim like this. The important thing is that the Catalan PP, in his meetings with ministers, has called a special treatment to Catalonia which has resulted in a funding proposal itself which first speaks of the need for better funding Catalonia has a limited and solidarity . The Government of Spain is well aware that Catalonia needs better funding, but does not have to be the fiscal pact Mas.
Alicia Sanchez Camacho. / Marcel · li Saenz
P. How do you base your model?
R. Catalonia may have the maximum possible resources in a unique model within the LOFCA, which would mean that there would be a break or a confrontation. It would be a real possibility for more resources for a limited solidarity. Our model prevents train crash.
P. Catalan Solidarity represents 8% of GDP. How much should be lowered?
R. We have not quantified, but we do know that the current model has failed. Solidarity must be a finalist, must continue, but the other regions, hope must exercise their responsibilities. We replant formulas that guarantee this purpose and has a finalist application.
P. Did Mr. Rajoy is to talk about it?
R. Mr Rajoy has now a single priority. Everything else we talk, if Spain does not recover, not a priority. But I do not know if you want to improve financing or use the fiscal pact as confrontation with the rest of Spain. The fiscal pact has become a more independence on the agenda. Much of CiU which aims to separate Catalonia from the rest of Spain.
P. Does the policy outcome CiU and PP cuts?
R. It was the only possible policy. Had to straighten the accounts.
P. Now there are many voices warn that this is not going anywhere. Will you continue on this path?
P. Our goal is to meet the deficit. And this meeting only avoid having a huge interest and avoid intervention.
P. How far can cut?
R. The limit is the sustainability of our welfare state. In many ways we have lived beyond our means.
"Rajoy has fulfilled
with the Generalitat
to the extent that
allows the economy "
P. What prompted the PP to negotiate the budget?
R. Ask you to clarify what their government policy. The government is divided. Mrs. Ortega calls for unity and the next day Diada disqualifies Puig counselor or the words of Mas protest calling for a National Day. In Catalonia lack leadership. But if the priority is to break with the rest of Spain since then there is no possibility of negotiating.
P. But, for example, you discuss policy changes in income? Are you ready to restore the inheritance tax to have to cut less?
R. Do not talk about anything specific. The thing is very clear. The PP can not continue negotiating with an executive who is constantly insulting the Government of Spain. We can not start negotiating about specific aspects of fiscal policy when what is being discussed is far more important. But his agenda has changed. It does not prioritize the fiscal pact, but the agenda rupture with the rest of Spain.
P. But no central government debts. Not paid the third additional competitive background. Rajoy? Has done enough to avoid confrontation?
R. Since then the Government has met in Catalonia as allowed by the economy and budget availability. The Government has been the most benefited from transfers and has helped to pay suppliers. If you could meet some respects because there is more money, which is the same as Mr. Mas happens when municipalities do not meet because he has no money. We are in an exceptional situation.
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