



El Gobierno negocia con Bruselas una vía para proteger a los dueños de preferentes

Las cajas rescatadas ofrecen devolver lo invertido con un bono de altos intereses

Amanda Mars Madrid 15 AGO 2012 - 19:31 CET

The Government is negotiating with Brussels a way to protect the owners of preferred

The rescued banks offer the investment return with a high interest bond

Amanda Mars Madrid 15 AGO 2012 - 19:31 CET

The Government argues with Brussels a formula for owners of preference shares of nationalized institutions and not-yet auctioned or sold Bankia, CatalunyaCaixa Novagalicia Bank and Banco de Valencia to prevent losses. The preferred, a complex investment product designed for institutional investors with high interest rates (but committed in perpetuity) has trapped tens of thousands of individuals in Spain and nationalized banks offer a way to mitigate the impact: the exchange of such shares for bonus of lower value than the first but whose high interest investment will be used to compensate for that removed after a few years, according to industry sources explained. The Spanish bank has sold a total of 30,000 million in preferred case since 1999.
Sources close to the negotiations cited by Financial Times yesterday that the conserved entities materializing offered a bond with a face value of between 50% and 70% lower than the preferred, with a high enough interest to cover the period of six years the difference in value relative to the initial investment within six years. Sources from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness have declined to make any comment.
Brussels has made it clear that investors should take losses in the restructuring process of battered bodies, primarily shareholders and subordinated debt holders and preferred second, and only after public money should go. This is stated in the memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed with the eurozone rescue conditions for Spanish banks, under which Spain must pass the necessary legislation to implement a rebate to owners of preferred although not voluntary.
But the government-and especially-rescued banks argue that the Spanish case is special because this complex investment vehicle was placed in particular, in many cases, were poorly informed about the high risks contracted. So they want to limit their losses.
Problems arose from last year, when the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) warned that institutions should adjust the value of these preference shares and other subordinated debt at fair market value, which was a radical change, because until then the investor who wanted to get rid of their units used to sell them in the secondary market (the sale and issued to investors) at the same price at which he had bought at the time, regardless of the time elapsed. Upon notification of the CNMV, which continued to be a reminder-preferred owners could place them at a loss just colossal, over half of your investment.
Now speaking of remove between 50% and 70%, something that financial sector sources deemed "too high, because Brussels is well aware that there are now only operations and market data are not representative of value."

Brussels described as "speculation" the news, but denies it
The European Commission has described as "pure speculation" reports of the exchange preferred formula in Spanish savings banks nationalized and possible talks between the Government and Brussels. "It is pure speculation. Negotiations are ongoing and have not finished", explained to Europa Press the EU executive.
Still, EU sources have refused to go into more detail. To do this, have chosen not to "confirm or deny" the information alleging that the negotiations, which ripped after "the nationalization of Bankia", "still ongoing".



2012 AGOアマンダ火星マドリード15日 - 午後7時31分CET
政府はブリュッセルでの損失を防ぐために国有化機関ではなく、まだオークションまたは販売Bankia、CatalunyaCaixa Novagalicia銀行とバンコ·デ·バレンシアの優先株式の所有者のための計算式を主張している。のためのそのような株式交換:高金利(ただし永久にコミット)と機関投資家向けに設計された好適な、複雑な投資商品は、スペインと国有銀行の個人の数万人が影響を緩和するための方法を提供し閉じ込められた最初のものより低い値のボーナスが、その関心の高さへの投資を説明業界筋によると、数年後には削除それを補正するために使用されます。スペインの銀行は1999年以来、好ましいケースで30,000百万円の合計を販売してきました。
ナショナル証券取引委員会(CNMV)は機関があった公正な市場価値でこれらの優先株式の価値と他の劣後債を調整すべきであると警告したときの問題は、昨年から生じたそれまでは、流通市場でそれらを販売するために使用される彼らのユニットを取り除くしたい投資家、彼は関係なく、経過時間の、時間で買った時と同じ価格で(売却および投資家に発行された)ので、根本的な変更、。リマインダー - 優先所有者であり続けたCNMVの通知時に、あなたの投資の半分以上が、ちょうど巨大な損失にそれらを置くことができる。
今や金融セクターソースがみなしているものは、50%と70%の間で削除といえば "ブリュッセルしか操作と市場データの値を代表するものではない今そこにあることを十分承知しているので、高すぎるとは。"

ブリュッセルは "投機"とのニュースを説明したが、それを拒否し
欧州委員会は、国有化されスペインの貯蓄銀行で交換好ましい式の "純粋な憶測"レポートと政府とブリュッセルの間に可能な話のように記述しています。 "それは純粋な憶測です。交渉が進行中であり、完了していない"、EU執行部はEuropa Pressに説明した。
それでも、EUの源は、より詳細に立ち入ることを拒否している。これを行うには、 "肯定も否定も"情報が、その "Bankiaの国有化"の後にリッピング交渉は、 "まだ進行中"と主張しないことにしました。

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