



La subida del IVA amenaza de cierre al 21% de las salas de cine

Un informe prevé 3.500 despidos y la caída de la recaudación de Hacienda

El sector reclama la revocación de la dura subida sobre los espectáculos

The increase in VAT threat to close to 21% of movie theaters

A report predicts 3,500 layoffs and the drop in revenues of Finance

The industry claims the revocation of the steep climb on the shows

R. G. Madrid 1 AGO 2012 - 20:58 CET
The government has managed to square the circle: tax rises down its collection. Effective September 1, the Spanish bear the highest tax of 17 eurozone countries every time you go to a movie, concert or a play. Nothing announced the huge leap into the void, going from 8% to 21% - artists screamed to the sky and told that, in addition, the Government should click on the bone.
Now the study commissioned by the firm Pricewaterhouse exhibitors and distributors seem to prove them right: the raising of finance in theaters down almost ten million euros to the implementation of VAT at 21%. And what is even worse, force close 859 rooms (21% of the 4,044 recorded in 2011), which will mean laying off 3,500 employees. Another perverse effect, is over, will be the increase in piracy. In an industry that is undergoing a profound crisis, the increase in VAT may involve knockout. The report is in the hands of officials from the Ministry of Finance and La Moncloa.
The alternative of a rise of 8% to 10% of what was said at first was about much more moderate effects on job destruction while tax collection more positive effect, as this study has had access to THE COUNTRY. Their findings underpin the fears of the sector. Director Pedro Almodovar was one that sounded the alert. "They will not raise the millions needed to fill gaps that drag brutal. If these measures do not ensure that promise is clear that they are unnecessary and cruel, "lamented the director who is located in the passenger shooting enthusiasts. Playwright and actor Mario Gas spoke of inefficiency, negligence and folly, referring to the government measure will enter into force on 1 September.
The report of the consultant, which consists of 500 folios in which econometric models are studied to demonstrate the conclusions reached, was commissioned by Fedicine (Federation of Film Distributors), which comprises 90% of firms distribution in Spain, including American majors, and FECE (Federation of Cinemas in Spain), comprising 90% of the rooms, following the decision of the Council of Ministers on 13 July to apply the maximum rate of VAT to the shows cultural. The decision included in a tough package of fiscal and administrative measures.
Exhibitors and distributors expected a rise of two points in VAT (from 8% to 10%) and continue to support a reduced rate. The Pricewaterhouse study analyzes the differences between the VAT of 10% and 21%, its direct and indirect impact on the industry and government revenues in the two modalities.
Considering the indirect impacts on the activities of the sector and those induced in the whole economy, the report says the increase in VAT to 10% would mean the destruction of 540 jobs compared to 3,507 in the case of applying rate of 21%. As for revenues, the Treasury would get 1.55 million euros with VAT of 10% compared to the current 8%. With VAT at 21%, calculated that they would stop raising 8.21 million euros. Adding the two numbers (1.55 million that could enter in a case that would lose the 8.21 in the other), Pricewaterhouse finds that the State would raise 9.76 million euros.
Piracy is another element that has analyzed the report. The cinema is an industry tragically beset by illegal downloads. According to the Observatory on Counterfeiting and Consumer Habits of Digital Content, the value of pirated content in Spain in 2011 amounted to 5.229 million euros, of which 1.402 million are in movies. With these data, Pricewaterhouse said that the rise in ticket prices will cause an increase in piracy, "the Treasury subtracting revenues illegal consumption of such services."
The European model and its differences with Spain are also analyzed Pricewaterhouse study, recalling the film in theaters in our country has always had a reduced rate since the introduction of the tax in 1986, among other things because in Europe the film contemplated in the context of the cultural exception. This rise of 21% places our country well above the euro area average (10.1%). If you take the model of Germany, a country that sets an example for so many things, the difference is huge: the general VAT is 19%, while the culture is at 7%. Pricewaterhouse dwells particularly on the study of countries like Latvia, Netherlands, Hungary and Portugal where the VAT increases as culture created significant negative impacts on income and employment, even overturning the measure. That, in negotiating to repeal the measure in Spain, are now involved responsible for the different sectors concerned, though without much hope.





R. G. 2012 AGOマドリード1 - 20時58分CET

政府が円を振り出しに管理しています:税は、そのコレクションを上昇します。効果的な9月1日、スペインの熊17ユーロ圏の国の最高税率は、ムービー、コンサートや芝居を見に行くたびに。何も8%から21%に行って、無効に大きな飛躍を発表しない - 芸術家は空に叫んで、それに加えて、政府は骨をクリックする必要があることを語った。
最初に言われたことの8%〜10%の上昇の代替は、ジョブの破壊に約はるかに穏やかな効果であった一方、徴税、より肯定的な効果が、本研究では、へのアクセスがあったようにCOUNTRY。その結果は、セクタの恐怖を支える。監督ペドロ·アルモドバルは、警告を鳴らした一つであった。 "彼らは残忍なドラッグのギャップを埋めるために必要な何百万人は発生しません。これらの措置は、その約束は、彼らが不必要で残酷であることは明らかであることを確認していない場合は、 "乗客の撮影愛好家に位置していますディレクターを嘆いた。劇作家、俳優マリオガスは、政府の措置に言及すると、9月1日に発効され、非効率、怠慢と愚かさを語った。
間接部門の活動への影響と経済全体に誘導されるものを考慮すると、レポートが10%付加価値税の増加は、適用した場合の3507に比べて540ジョブの破壊を意味すると言う21%の速度。売上高については、財務省は現在の8%に比べ10%のVATと155万ユーロになるだろう。 VATは21%で、彼らは821万ユーロを調達停止すると計算されます。二つの数字(他に8.21を失うことになる場合に入力することができます155万)を追加し、プラ​​イスウォーターハウスは、国家が976万ユーロを引き上げることを検出します。
海賊行為は、レポートを分析した別の要素です。映画は悲劇的に違法ダウンロードに悩まさ産業である。偽造やデジタルコンテンツの消費者の習慣上の天文台によると、2011年にスペインの海賊版コンテンツの値が1402000映画であり、そのうち5229000ユーロに達しました。これらのデータを使用して、プライスウォーターハウスは、チケット価格の上昇は、著作権侵害の増加を引き起こすことを言った、 "そのようなサービスの売上高は違法消費を差し引い財務省。"

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