



La confianza del consumidor alcanza su mínimo histórico tras los recortes

El índice cae a su nivel más bajo de toda la serie histórica, según el indicador del CIS

Las expectativas a medio plazo de los hogares se hunden tras el anuncio de los ajustes

Consumer confidence reached a record low after the cuts

The index fell to its lowest level of the entire series, as the indicator of the CIS

The medium-term expectations of households sink after the announcement of the adjustments

WEAVER ESTHER Madrid 3 AGO 2012 - 13:54 CET
The consumer confidence hit a record low in July, after the announcement of the cuts and VAT hike by the government. The survey conducted by the Center for Sociological Research (CIS) was held a week after that citizens know the setting of 65,000 million euros for the next two years, the largest democracy.
The index of consumer confidence (ICC) declined by 13 points from the previous month, 36 points in one year and 10 points below the previous minimum in July 2008. Now stands at 37.6 points. The ICC takes values ​​ranging from 0 to 200, with 100 being the boundary between positive and negative perceptions. Six in 10 households consider their economic situation is worse than six months ago. And trust in the Spanish economy is also critical: 90% say it is worse than six months ago and seven in 10 believe it will worsen over the next half year.
Both the assessment of the current situation and expectations for the next six months are at their lowest, although the decline is particularly acute in the opinion of consumers in the long term. From the previous month has dropped 50 points and is now 10 points below that in July 2008, its previous record low. Falling expectations predicts a contraction of consumption, which will only aggravate the general economic situation of the Spanish economy. Particularly in the second quarter, gross domestic product (GDP) increased its rate of decline quarter on quarter to 0.4% versus 0.3% of start of the year, the weakening of consumption. Also, yesterday we learned of the household debt rose in June for the first time in the last six months.
The consumer confidence index takes into account the views of respondents regarding the family finances, the general economic situation and employment. And it is precisely the expectations of the first the ones that have fallen with greater force pushing the overall confidence to its lowest rate. In the last month of confidence in the expectations of the household economy has dropped 17 points, which in relation to its previous minimum is set back 19. They have also fallen more than 20 points in employment expectations and the Spanish economy, which leaves two five points below July 2008.

more informationPessimism traps companiesNo more romance with the Government
The consumer confidence in the current situation also recorded its lowest level (24.3) of the time series, down two points from its worst rate in February 2009. However, confidence in the current situation of the Spanish economy and employment (two of three indicators) is still above that recorded in the second month of 2009. Which has collapsed, then, confidence in the situation of households, falling eight points in a month and 14 with respect to its minimum, thereby dragging the overall confidence in the current situation to its worst rate.
The survey was conducted, however, before knowing the record rate of unemployment in the second quarter, which stood at 24.63% with nearly 5,700,000 people unemployed. Seven in 10 respondents have people around them are unemployed and nearly half said that "just comes" later this month, although 30% still manages to save some money. The decline in household income and inflation are the main reasons why six out of 10 state that the current economic situation in your family has worsened in the last half year.
The growing consumer pesismismo line with the deterioration of the opinion of employers and the breakdown of the good relationship between the government and employers. According to the Business Barometer COUNTRY for the first half of 2012, employers believe that the economic situation has behaved worse than they had planned for this period. In addition, expectations for the second half of the year too irreparably worse and hoped to achieve stability within each of its businesses is far from glimpsed. In his view, the economic recovery will not arrive until 2014 or 2015.




2012 AGO WEAVER ESTHERマドリード3 - 13:54 CET

消費者信頼感(ICC)の指数は前月から13ポイント、1年間で36ポイントと2008年7月以前の最小値以下に10ポイント減少した。今すぐ37.6点に立っています。 ICCは、100は正と負の認識の間の境界である、0から200までの値をとります。 10世帯で六者は経済状況が半年前よりも悪いことを検討してください。とスペイン経済への信頼も重要である:90%が半年前よりも悪いと言うと10の7は、それが次の半年間で悪化すると確信しています。

調査はほぼ570万人失業者で24.63パーセントとなりました第二四半期の失業率の記録速度を知る前に、しかし、行われました。 10人のセブンは、30%がまだいくつかのお金を節約するために管理しますが、今月 "だけ来る"と言って周りの人々が失業者とほぼ半分ですしています。家計所得とインフレ率の低下はあなたの家族の現在の経済状況が過去半年間で10州のうち6を悪化させたことを主な理由です。
雇用者の意見の悪化と政府と雇用者間の良好な関係の破壊と成長消費者pesismismoライン。 2012年の上半期のビジネスバロメーターの国によると、雇用者は経済状況は、彼らがこの期間に予定していたよりも悪く振る舞っていると信じています。さらに、下半期の期待があまりにも取り返しがつかないほど悪化し、その各事業内での安定性を達成するために望んで垣間見から遠く離れている。彼の見解では、景気回復は2014年または2015年までに到着されません。

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