



マドリード。 (はEFE通信)郊外マドリードの労働者のストライキの4日目今朝は50%で、最低限のサービスマドリードの設立に準拠して動作するすべての行、上のサービスの修復を開始した.-本。


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これは、演算子EFE通信センターお客様のインタラクティブメトロde Madridのは、その列車は午前6時05分午前の最初のストップを行ったが追加に伝達されています。同社のウェブサイトでは、メトロによると、今日通常の方法で列車の数の少なくとも50%を配布中、すべての局が開いて、引き続き、ロビー、少なくとも、その対応するアクセスで。これrespect最低限のサービスでは、そのサービスのプラットフォームの最初の数時間は期待されてストライキの最初の日に、月曜日にとして、充実した、通常よりも、駅を中心に旅行者の大きな流入した。

また、サービスの50%の回復と、過去48時間のM - 30)を介しての首都で自動車交通と環状道路(リデュース期待される。




交渉が、しかし、昨日の地下鉄EFE通信で報告されたため、管理が失敗最低限のサービスを満たすために4つの労働者の懲戒手続を報告している複雑な表示されます。犯罪を、ストライキ中の労働者の一部の議員の一連の行動を構成することができればまた、メトロde Madridのは検事総長の国のを使用して注意を喚起する書面を提出、先週の月曜日、彼の見解で始まった"市民に特に重大な原因複数の負傷。



The Madrid Metro retrieves the minimum services after total unemployment
All lines became operational just after 6 am and cover with the minimum established by the Community of Madrid: 50%

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01/07/2010 | Updated at 07:16 pm | Citizens

Madrid. (EFE) .- The fourth day of a strike of workers in the suburban Madrid has started this morning with the restoration of services on all lines, which operate at 50 percent, in compliance with the minimum services established by the Community of Madrid .

MORE INFORMACIÓNAguirre branded subway strike "political maneuver" against it
Injured two workers of Metro de Madrid when they went to work on the second day of strike
About 200 workers at Metro de Madrid today receive notification of your information package
Aguirre and the police fail to reopen the Madrid meters in total strike
Two million people affected by the strike in Madrid Metro

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This has been communicated to an operator Efe Center Customer Interactive Metro de Madrid, who added that the trains have made their first stops at 6:05 am. On its website, Metro reports that during the day today circulated at least 50 percent of the number of trains that normally do and that all stations will remain open, at least, a lobby and their corresponding access . As in the first day of strike, on Monday, in which respect the minimum services, it is expected that the first hours of service platforms are fuller than normal, especially in stations with great influx of travelers.

It is also expected that with the restoration of 50 percent of service, reduce vehicular traffic in the capital and its ring road (M-30) over the past 48 hours.

Metro employees gathered assembly yesterday voted to maintain the strikes over the next 48 hours, but with the commitment to respect the minimum services of fifty percent. During the past two days, the two million people each day use the subway to get around Madrid have had to resort to other public transport and have endured long waits at bus stops and taxi, as well as better movement collapsed.

The strike committee, composed of UGT, CCOO, Union of Drivers, Labour and Solidarity Free Trade Union, said yesterday that the acceptance of minimum services, which they consider abusive, is a "gesture to the people of Madrid" will end up warned, when a worker is sanctioned.

For its part, the Ministry of Transport argues that the minimum services established by the Community of Madrid for the Metro strike are inadequate, as endorse a decision of the Superior Court of Justice (TSJ) from Madrid. With the reopening of the service today, opening the door to possible negotiations to end the strike began last Monday by workers in protest against pay cuts approved by the Community.

The negotiation, however, appears complicated because, as reported yesterday in Metro Efe, management has reported four workers disciplinary proceedings for failure to meet minimum service. In addition, Metro de Madrid filed a brief with the Attorney General of the State to bring to your attention, if could constitute a crime, a series of actions of some representatives of workers during the strike began last Monday, in his view "particularly serious and caused multiple injuries to citizens.

Also, the direction of Metro presented yesterday afternoon at the courts of Plaza de Castilla a complaint by the aggression suffered four metropolitan workers as they tried to access their jobs in the depot Canillejas to provide minimum services during strikes, as Company sources said.

To all this comes together, the company also reported, which in the past two days left to joining Metro 6.4 million euros and it has asked the Ministry of Health to investigate the 490 casualties recorded on temporary disability Last Tuesday, 140 more than usual.

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