
Britain's role in the torture of terror suspects: the Gurdian investigation

Britain's role in the torture of terror suspects: the Guardian investigation
Today's report by Human Rights Watch corroborates many findings of the Guardian's own investigation into Britain's involvement in the torture of terrorism suspects held overseas. Many of the victims and their families have been too terrified to speak out. Others have disappeared. Two who are behind bars in the UK were prevented from speaking to journalists for many months. Despite this, the Guardian has identified the secret torture centre in Rawalpindi where some of the British terrorism suspects were detained and tortured, and has uncovered details of the secret UK government interrogation policy that led to British citizens, and others, being tortured. Last June it disclosed that Tony Blair, when prime minister, was aware of the policy. Gordon Brown has promised that the policy will be rewritten, and then made public. This gallery of Guardian front pages shows how our investigation has developed

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Ian Cobain
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 24 November 2009 11.01

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