



マドリード。 (はEFE通信)は、ペルーでスペイン語近年、より数深刻な協力して3番目クスコ地域のNGOのプロジェクトの4つのスペインの作業が死亡した交通事故する.-被害者の


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2001年8月29日で、事故で非常に昨日と同様、若い天使Gonzálvezエストレマドゥーラソリスが死亡、14人はスペイン協力ドロップ彼らは崖クスコの部門で60メートルに旅行していたミニバスが負傷した。 15は、マヌー国立公園へ遠足に協力し、NGOの連帯国際連帯の休日のプログラムにその作業を完了した。


Cooperating third fatal accident in Peru Spanish
The event is early this morning has caused more victims

07/07/2010 | Updated at 10:13 pm | Events
Madrid. (EFE) .- The traffic accident that has killed four Spanish working in an NGO project in the Cuzco region is the third who are cooperating Spanish in Peru in recent years and the more serious by the number of victims.

MORE INFORMACIÓNMueren four Spanish aid workers after an accident in southern Peru

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On June 6, 1999 Enrique Lopez and Mercedes Arteche Yesterday, aid of the European Union Spanish in Peru, and Peruvian Alfredo Waman driver, were killed near Satipo (in the department of Junin) to hit the vehicle carrying a truck parked in the middle of a road in the jungle.

On August 29, 2001, in an accident very similar to yesterday, the young Extremadura Gonzálvez Angel Solis died and 14 other aid workers were injured by falling Spanish minibus they were traveling on a cliff 60 meters in the department of Cuzco. The fifteen cooperating on an excursion to Manu National Park, having completed its work on the holiday program of the NGO Solidarity International Solidarity.

In addition to these deaths in traffic accidents Spanish participating in charity projects in Peru, another Spanish aid worker, Mark Lucas Sesarego, was killed in 2007 while working at the Hogar San Camilo, a shelter for AIDS patients in Chosica, 40 kilometers from Lima.

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