El Bundesbank se muestra “crítico” con la posibilidad de que el BCE compre deuda
Ve "considerables riesgos" para la estabilidad en la intervención en los mercados de deuda
EP / AFP Madrid 20 AGO 2012 - 13:34 CET
The Bundesbank shows "critical" with the possibility for the ECB to buy debt
Sees "significant risks" to stability in the intervention in debt markets
EP / AFP Madrid 20 AGO 2012 - 13:34 CET
The Bundesbank has been "critical" to the possibility that the European Central Bank (ECB) made selective purchases of government bonds to "significant risks" to the stability that represent intervention in debt markets by the Central Bank of the euro area, as said the president of the company, Mario Draghi, in his last press conference. In this regard, the German central bank said in the latest edition of its monthly bulletin that the Eurosystem procurement program would focus on the short end of the maturity curve and its volume would be "unlimited, but in any case it should be enough. "
The ECB has also refused to be conducting a bond purchase plan, as reported by AFP. "The Bundesbank maintains its view that the possibility of selective purchases of government bonds by the Eurosystem should be evaluated critically by the significant stability risks involved," the institution chaired by Jens Weidmann. Also, the central bank reiterates Germanic mutualise the possibility of credit risk of debt is fiscal policies decided by the parliaments of each country, without moving to central bank balance.
This weekend, the weekly Der Spiegel reported without citing sources on the ECB's intention to set some ceilings on interest payments required from the eurozone countries from which the issuing institution would start buying government bonds to return such interest to the limits considered acceptable. An ECB spokesman declined to comment on this possibility and noted the need to wait for the next meeting on Sept. 6 to see if the entity adopts new unconventional measures.
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