
スペインのサンタンデール銀行は、スペインでのビジネスの急激な下落にもかかわらず、2013年に純益を90%増加して 4'370'000'000ユーロ稼ぐ


スペインのサンタンデール銀行は、スペインでのビジネスの急激な下落にもかかわらず、2013年に純益を90%増加して 4'370'000'000ユーロ稼ぐ

Santander gana el doble en 2013 pese a la fuerte caída del negocio en España

El banco mejora beneficios en un 90% con 4.370 millones por las operaciones financieras

La unidad española es la que más reduce su aportación a los resultados y se queda con un 7%

El grupo cosecha el 47% de las ganancias en Latinoamérica y crece con fuerza en Reino Unido

Botín: “Las secuelas de la crisis en España tardarán en desaparecer”
Pago de 0,60 euros con el programa Dividendo elección
Íñigo de Barrón / El País Madrid 30 ENE 2014 - 11:24 CET

Santander wins twice in 2013 despite the sharp fall in business in Spain

The bank profits improved by 90% to 4,370 million financial transactions

The Spanish unit is the one that reduces its contribution to earnings and is left with a 7%

The group harvested 47% of the gains in Latin America and thrives in UK

Booty: "The aftermath of the crisis in Spain take to disappear"
Payment of 0.60 euros dividend program with choice

Inigo Barron / The Country Madrid 30 ENE 2014 - 11:24 CET

The Santander Bank posted a net profit of 4,370 million euros in 2013 , almost double the previous year, a 90.5 % increase, due to lower requirements for provisions that took exercise. Along with this reduced budget , the results also determine the momentum of the profits from financial transactions in the markets and investment increasingly determined by international markets while continuing to cut margins in Spain . In fact, Spanish is the worst unit evolves around the group since its contribution to profits falls 15% to 7% in 2012 .
In Spain , the Santander posted a net profit of 478 million euros , 45% less than the year before , with a cut of 3% in deposits and 8 % loan . The default rate in the country rose 3.65 percentage points to 7.49% , affected by the reclassification of moratorium mortgages and credit crunch , which is reduced by 4,000 million.
Given this balance , Latin America accounted for 47 % to group profit , especially Brazil, but also to reduce its contribution to 23% . In Europe I got 43 % of its net profit supported in improving the UK, whose contribution rises from 13% to 17 % in 2012 . United States , meanwhile , accounted for 10 % of total profits .

moreThe gains achieved Santander 385 million from the sale of AltamiraBanco Santander appoints new independent director Sheila Bair
Across the group, the customer loans fell 7% in 2013 , to 668 856 000 , with a default of 5.64% , while the total deposits declined 3 % to 607,836,000 . The NPL coverage ratio also falls as a result of lower provisions . In the whole group goes to 62 %, two points lower than a year ago .
The biggest gains , however , come from financial operations. This unit Revenues 28.6% advance . As a result , you get a profit of 3,469 million euros.
" Winds of Change "
Santander chairman Emilio Botin stressed Thursday that after several years of strengthening balance and equity , the company began a period of "strong growth" of benefit in the coming years. Explains the entity , the results mark a " turnaround " after the fall suffered in recent years because , " especially acute in the euro area " , prompted strong international economic crisis that needs provisioning dragged low results .
Despite the crisis , Banco Santander assumed in the statement to be released Thursday of the few organizations that has given benefit " quarter to quarter over the last five years," thanks to its geographical diversification , which meant that in 2013 , 53 % of income came from developing markets and 47% , more mature .
Thus, says the company, " within five years of the crisis , Banco Santander has made ​​a huge effort in provisions, with endowments 65,000 million, and capitalized with a core capital increase of 18,400 million euros or 4.13 percentage points to reach Basel II core capital of 11.7 % (10.9% in Basel III).
After making a provision of 10,800 million and other provisions totaling 1,800 million , profit before tax amounted to 7.300 million , of which 1.850 million were allocated to taxes .
In this sense , ordinary profit attributable to the group , which is what they estimate is the normal activity of the bank, is down 18.2 % from 2012. In that year , the company defended its own benefit in these terms reached 5.341 million by not including the provisions , so that the comparison in terms of ordinary profit falls 18.2%.

A dividend of EUR 0.60
Santander chairman Emilio Botin has announced that the company will maintain its shareholder remuneration policy with payment of 0.60 euros per share in four installments . Is the same amount of the last six years and, again , it discards pay it in cash and choose to keep the program ' Scrip Dividend ' . This , or paid in securities or given the option of the shareholder to sell the rights to receive cash market .






イニゴバロン/国マドリード30 ENE 2014 - 11時24 CET

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