La lucha antidesahucios, el primer logro del 15-M
Hace un año y medio 500, la PAH y los indignados lograron frenar el primer desalojo
Así nacía un movimiento que se ha convertido en la primera victoria de las asambleas de barrio
María Hervás Madrid 24 NOV 2012 - 22:01 CET
The fight antidesahucios, the first achievement of the 15-M
A year and a half 500, the indignant PAH and managed to stop the first eviction
Thus was born a movement that has become the first victory of the neighborhood assemblies
Maria Hervas Madrid 24 NOV 2012 - 22:01 CET
In the assembly of the mortgage affected by last Tuesday did not fit a pin. Dozens of interested jammed the narrow entrance of the building where the meetings are held usually because they did not want to miss one of the reasons that members of the Platform of People Affected by Mortgages (PAH) were given on measures that a few days before had approved the central government to alleviate the effects of the evictions. As a lawyer I detailed all the requirements that must be met in order to apply for suspension of the process for two years, beginning to clear the room and multiplied the disappointed faces. Then, Vincent Perez, a member of the platform, grabbed the microphone and reminded them: "Although most prescribed ye abide not, do not lose heart and keep on fighting. It is important that you go to your neighborhood assemblies because there are people who will accompany you on the day of your eviction and to mobilize against the banks. "
Vincent was referring to the assemblies of 15-M. More specifically, their housing groups, responsible for supporting affected each neighborhood and neighbors mobilize to fight evictions. Only in Madrid, the PAH has paralyzed nearly 200 launches mortgage in a year and a half and, as acknowledged by his spokesman, Chema Ruiz, the fight would not have been possible without the impulse of 15-M. The synergies between the two movements-enriched by the support of the Regional Federation of Neighbourhood Associations of Madrid (FRAVM), among other groups, have been more productive: while the PAH performs communication tasks, legal advice and negotiation with other agents social as unions and parties, assemblies of 15-M create a network of support from neighbors.
The PAH of Madrid was created three months before what became known as the # spanishrevolution. The first meetings were held in the village of Meco and involved the FRAVM, the National Coordinator of Ecuadorians in Spain (CONADE) and a pair of hit. As I was setting up the project, some of these members are also involved in organizing the demonstration called by the Real Democracy Now May 15, 2011. When stood the small town of tarps in the Puerta del Sol, the issue of evictions soon found a place in one of the committees. The first housing assemblies were held in the central Plaza del Carmen and PAH members took these meetings to disseminate their main demands: moratorium, foreclosed and social rent.
Lamin Lonke poses in her new social rental housing. / A. G.
Just a month later, both groups achieved their first success: the stay of eviction of Tatyana Roevo. About 500 protesters gathered outside the floor of this psychologist, in the district of Tetuan, to protest against eviction. Roevo, 43, still gets emotional when remembering the joy that was to see so many people from the window. "One Stop eviction was organized to the last detail: there were people covering the lower gate, others with Taty, partners to negotiate with police, neighbors yelling ... We look forward to change things," says Chema Ruiz. Isabel (not to give his last name), local resident and regular at the camp of Sol, also added to the demand for that day: "I knew no one, but as the hours passed I was talking to then be in many cases my co-assembly of Tetuan ".
When the indignant settled in neighborhoods, the relationship with the PAH was consolidated. One of the first projects was jointly launched the occupation of the Hotel Madrid, whose main objective was to provide temporary accommodation to the evicted families. The experience lasted only two months. "This experiment did not work out because the same space as a social center squatted worked as homeless housing. Was chaos," criticizes Dani, an indignant not want to be identified. The hotel was evacuated after two months. Despite this failure, the PAH Madrid has continued to support squatting as an "interim solution" for those evicted who have lost their home.
The PAH and 15-M have managed to paralyze nearly 200 evictions in Madrid
The Madrid neighborhood assemblies more involved in housing issues are those of Carabanchel, Tetouan, Lavapiés and Pueblo Nuevo. Each week their housing groups held a joint meeting in the squatted social center La Morada, in the neighborhood of Chamberí. They discussed the different cases in which they work and try to coordinate actions to support the problem visible. In addition, the indignant also just released housing an office and every Thursday afternoon affected advise attending this social center. "Above all, we help them fill out forms to request payment in kind or other documents and put them in contact with the assembly of PAH and its neighborhood," said Carlos Jimenez, a member of the office.
Most important, says Claudia, group housing of Lavapies, is that affected not feel like a "pariah". This outraged the district ensures that there is an overwhelming majority of Bangladeshis affected. "For them it is very difficult to overcome the shame that have given their case, and for us it is difficult to understand, but with much patience and care, we can help them," he adds.
Lamin Lonke, a native of Mali, knows how it feels to approach a group of strangers and tell them that you are about to lose the house. This store boy, 35, walking one Saturday last January with his wife, Nassi, and their two small in the vicinity of the Municipal Usera district when he met the district outraged. "I remember talking about the issue of mortgages and I thought maybe they could help me. I had already reached my notification of launch and was desperate. As I explained my situation pledged to stop my eviction and get a social rent for my family, "he says. Outraged as "invited" to one of the assemblies affected by the mortgage FRAVM headquarters. "I met a lot more serious cases than mine and I knew we were not alone," he recalls.
Thereafter began fighting alongside Lamin Usera outraged members and PAH. The neighborhood housing group accompanied him on several occasions to negotiate with the director of the branch of Bankia that granted the mortgage of 231,000 euros that Lamin stopped paying when he lost his job in construction. But the refusal of the entity, the eviction was executed on 18 January. Once the locksmith sealed the door, the 200 residents who gathered at the gates of his house went to the branch to protest Bankia. Anyway, Lamin and Nassi had everything ready in case the local pressure and mediation lawyer PAH were not enough. That same day they moved to another apartment by paying $ 500 for rent. Although the fight did not end there.
Once installed on your new floor, Lamin started collecting signatures requesting that a rental Bankia ceded social and debt forgiveness. Now tells how one night was until three in the morning accompanied by Laura, one of the indignant, collecting signatures in the old Casablanca squatted social center. Finally at the branch presented 2,000 signatures. Five months after he lost his home, finally received a response from the bank: the director offered him a social rent 380 euros in an apartment located in the district of Villaverde.
Since then, Lamin has been involved in the case against the drama of evictions. Currently involved in the PAH assemblies representing Usera district and also makes night shifts Celenque Square, where several groups are affected camped one month to claim Bankia a solution for their homes. Lamin still struggling to get the bank to cancel the debt but also feels the need of helping hand offered to him when he gave up all for lost.
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