欧州委員会は、2017年までに、スペインの国有化されたCatalunya Banc,Novagalicia銀行を売却するか、精算しなければ成らないと宣告
Catalunya Banc y Novagalicia deberán ser vendidas o liquidadas en 2017
Almunia defiende que adjudicar Banco de Valencia con ayudas era más barato que liquidarlo
Para sanear a las nacionalizadas, Bruselas ha autorizado la inyección de capital
Bruselas obliga a reducir en un 60% el tamaño de las cajas nacionalizadas
Bankia absorberá la mitad de las ayudas
El País Madrid 28 NOV 2012 - 11:42 CET
Novagalicia Catalunya Banc and must be sold or liquidated in 2017
Almunia argues that awarding grants Banco de Valencia was cheaper than liquidate
To clean up the nationalized, Brussels has approved the capital injection
Brussels requires a reduction by 60% the size of nationalized banks
Bankia absorb half of the aid
The Country Madrid 28 NOV 2012 - 11:42 CET
The European Commission plans to pass Spanish nationalized entities that the government end the sale of two of them, Catalunya Caixa and Banco Novagalicia (NCG), before the end of the restructuring period of five years. In the event that the sale is not possible, the Spanish authorities must submit a plan of orderly liquidation.
To clean up the institutions, Brussels has authorized the injection of 9,080 million euros in Catalunya Caixa and Banco 5,425,000 for Novagalicia. These amounts will be added from the point of view of restructuring the 3,500 million loss the EU executive estimates that will be imposed on investors in subordinated debt and preference share holders, in the case of the Galician bank are abundant .
In the case of Banco de Valencia, Competition Commissioner Joaquin Almunia confirmed authorizing the sale of these banks in November 2011 to Caixabank on the grounds that "it is not viable as an autonomous entity." "This option is cheaper than liquidate the bank", said Almunia.
The award was made for a symbolic price of one euro and public aids 4,500 million, funds in addition to the 1,000 million to the Fund for Orderly Bank Restructuring (FROB) and injected into the bank after its nationalization.
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