OECDの事務総長アンヘル·グリア "は、銀行に融資された資金が、財政削減の金を食っていると、銀行が融資の貸し付けを出来るように、経済成長のためには必要?(銀行を潰して、国民が生き残る方が良いのでは??)
Gurría afirma que los recortes son proporcionales a las ayudas a los bancos
El secretario general celebra que se haya abordado "de frente" el problema del sector financiero
Afirma que gran parte de la opinión pública apoya los ajustes por el deseo de volver al crecimiento
Insta a Europa a mostrar "de forma inequívoca" que el Gobierno tendrá su apoyo si pide el rescate
El País Madrid 29 NOV 2012 - 16:20 CET
Gurria said the cuts are proportional to aid banks
The Secretary-General welcomes the addressed "facing" the problem of the financial sector
He claims that much of the public supports adjustments for the desire to return to growth
Urges Europe to show "unequivocally" that the Government will support the rescue if requested
The Country Madrid 29 NOV 2012 - 16:20 CET
The secretary general of the OECD, Angel Gurria, said Thursday that the adjustments approved by the Government "are a multiple of what is injected into the banks," but has justified that were needed to clean up the industry and set the stage for economic recovery. During the presentation of the financial report on Spain, where the organization recommends further increases in VAT to ensure fiscal consolidation process, the Mexican economist has argued that because of the public funds received entities, the Spanish financial system is now in track to exceed its capitalization problems. Thanks to that, "in addition to survive, may also provide", has been synthesized.
The problem of adjustment is hindering the return to growth and, indeed, the OECD recognizes that the prospect of emerging from the recession is remote, preventing solve such serious problems as a record level of unemployment across the Eurozone an unemployment rate above 25%. But, according to the head of the club known as the developed countries, there is no alternative. "They needed to regain competitiveness and deal face to face with the most successful economies of the environment and the rest of the world," said Gurria. Also, he was convinced that, despite growing social protests, have the support of "the great public."
"The numbers we are seeing for Spain are of a contraction in 2013 and a return to growth in 2014", said Gurria. With this, the country is "the trend in Europe and the global economy", but added the nuance that not everything depends on the inner plane. The solution to the challenges Spanish also passes through Brussels and Frankfurt, "said Gurria.
Gurria, who has made a very nice to the government and has defended many times that Spain "is doing homework", emphasized that the financial restructuring "has been addressed in a transparent front and" the problem of capitalization banks. He also highlighted that Europe also served to take a gap extending awareness to all members of the Old Continent.
This process, in relation to Spain, reported yesterday a giant step forward with the approval of Brussels plans nationalized entities, giving free rein to the help of 37,500 million for Bankia, Novagalicia, Catalunya and Banking Banco de Valencia exchange for harsh conditions and mass layoffs. "I wish all countries entering such a context," Gurria added.
Still within Europe, the OECD secretary has demanded that members of the euro, since Spain is complying with the recommendations of Brussels, to make "a clear statement" that, in the event that the Government seek the support of bailout funds, say that this request is welcome.
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