
スペインのCatalunya Banc は、不良債権を不良債権処理銀行に売り、欧州金融安定機構から90億8000万0000ゆーろの融資を受け、120億0000'0000ユーロの不良債権で、2012年1月ー3月に売却の予定


スペインのCatalunya Banc は、不良債権を不良債権処理銀行に売り、欧州金融安定機構から90億8000万0000ゆーろの融資を受け、120億0000'0000ユーロの不良債権で、2012年1月ー3月に売却の予定

Catalunya Banc pretende cerrar su venta durante el primer trimestre de 2013

La entidad recibirá 9.080 millones de euros para recapitalizarse

Bruselas aprueba un recorte del 60% en los activos de las cajas nacionalizadas
Lluís Pellicer Barcelona 28 NOV 2012 - 21:42 CET

Catalunya Banc aims to close the sale in the first quarter of 2013

The entity will receive 9080 million euros to recapitalize

Brussels approves a 60% cut in the assets of nationalized banks

Lluís Pellicer Barcelona 28 NOV 2012 - 21:42 CET

Catalunya Banc managers are not waiting to be sold in 2017 and, in fact, the restructuring plans of Brussels have been caught in the middle of updating its notebook sales. The entity now owned as to 89.8% by the Bank Restructuring Fund (FROB) transfer its assets to the Company toxic assets from bank restructuring (Sareb) and recapitalize with 9080 million euros from the European Mechanism Stability (ESM) to let the item can be sold in the first quarter of 2013. In the first half of this year, the balance still had a volume of problem assets of 12,000 million euros, according to industry sources. All other conditions imposed by Brussels, held in the entity, must be negotiated or enforced by the buyer.
The reorganization of the bank, according to the European Commission, will have cost at the end of the process about 14,000 million, which includes both state injections of public funds of 2,968 million euros through loans and capital. Although a spokeswoman for Catalunya Banc ensures that the entity provides that in no case scenario, if the old box could not be sold in 2017 must be liquidated "in an orderly manner."

The Commission considers that Catalunya Banc might return to viability by 2017 to meet a set of requirements
The Commission, however, believes that Catalunya Banc might return to viability by 2017 to meet a set of requirements. This happens because, in addition to the capital injection, customers assume losses in products such as subordinated debt or preferred stock, in the case of the company reached 500 million euros. However, a bank spokeswoman stated that, aside from the agreements it has reached with the Government to submit to arbitration cases, repayment of part or all of the preferred money is an issue to be addressed by the future buyer Catalunya Banc.
Brussels calls for the withdrawal of the organization in its "historical regions", ie, in Catalonia. Following the property boom, the former Caixa Catalunya spread throughout Spain. In this strategy the bank today has inherited a network of 1,163 branches and 7,082 employees. Most are in Catalonia, but there are also branches in Madrid (109) and Valencia (74).
To fund its restructuring, Brussels also requires you to detach from some assets and transferring the bonds of its securities portfolio and its treasury, as well as all venture capital funds. At the end of the first half of the year, in the state were listed as assets available for sale its 1.5% shareholding in Gas Natural and its interests in CatalunyaCaixa Life insurers, 50%, and CatalunyaCaixa Assegurances, 49%. The titles of the two insurance companies totaled late 2011 a book value of EUR 284.4 million.

スペインのCatalunya Banc は、不良債権を不良債権処理銀行に売り、欧州金融安定機構から90億8000万0000ゆーろの融資を受け、120億0000'0000ユーロの不良債権で、2012年1月ー3月に売却の予定



LLUIS Pellicerバルセロナ28 NOV 2012 - 午前21時42分CET
欧州委員会によると、銀行の再編は、貸付金及び資本を通じて2968億ユーロの公的資金の注入状態の両方を含んで14000万人についてのプロセスの終わりに、費用を持っています。バンク·オブ·カタルーニャの広報担当者は、実体がない場合のシナリオでは、古いボックスは2017年に販売されなかった場合には清算しなければならないと規定していることが保証されていますが "整然と"。

ブリュッセルでは、カタルーニャでの "歴史的地域"とは、すなわち、組織内の撤退を求めている。不動産ブームに続いて、前者カイシャカタルーニャはスペイン全土に広がった。この戦略では、銀行は、本日、1163の支店と7082の従業員のネットワークを継承しています。ほとんどがカタルーニャにありますが、マドリード(109)とバレンシア(74)に支店もあります。
再編に資金を供給するため、ブリュッセルはまた、あなたには、いくつかの資産と有価証​​券ポートフォリオの社債および自己株式だけでなく、すべてのベンチャー·キャピタル·ファンドを転送から切断する必要があります。今年の前半の終わりには、状態に売却可能資産としてリストされていたガスナチュラルとCatalunyaCaixaの生命保険会社、50%、およびCatalunyaCaixaのAssegurances、49%で、その利益で、その1.5%の株式。 2保険会社のタイトルは2011年後半ユーロ2.844億の帳簿価額となりました。

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