
スペインのカタルーニャ地方のLA CAIXA 銀行は、不良債権で破綻して国有化されて、清算の対象になっている BANCO DE


La Caixa compra el Banco de Valencia

El anuncio de compra por parte de la entidad catalana podría anunciarse hoy mismo

El banco sube en bolsa ante la perspectiva de que evitará la liquidación

Los empresarios reclaman que el banco mantenga cierta autonomía
El Banco de Valencia pierde 390 millones hasta septiembre
Ignacio Zafra Valencia 27 NOV 2012 - 16:48 CET

The purchase Caixa Banco de Valencia

The announcement of acquisition by the Catalan could be announced today

The bank goes up in stock at the prospect of avoiding liquidation

The business owners claim that the bank maintains some autonomy
The Banco de Valencia loses 390 million through September

Ignacio Zafra Valencia 27 NOV 2012 - 16:48 CET

La Caixa awarded the Bank of Valencia, as confirmed by several sources. The operation could communicate this afternoon to the CNMV. The bank was in the process of auction since early this year, but the process was halted while performing international audit on the Spanish financial system.

The auction was reactivated two weeks ago and funders took for granted that the final stretch of the process had reached Bankinter and La Caixa and BBVA. Finally, the choice has been to La Caixa, whose business model, the sources said, was best suited to the characteristics of the entity Valencian and commercial banking orientation and proximity who wants impart the Bank Restructuring Fund (FROB ).

The same sources pointed to an entity that would maintain the brand, despite its nationalization, would be seen as a brand for the future. The Banco de Valencia hopes to hand the bad bank, Sareb society, assets book value of 6,000 euros. The entity has undertaken simultaneously strong downsizing and offices to become more attractive to potential buyers. The valuation of Banco de Valencia has soared over 10% after the first information on transcending sale.

スペインのカタルーニャ地方のLA CAIXA 銀行は、不良債権で破綻して国有化されて、清算の対象になっている BANCO DE
VALENCIA を購入(吸収合併?)




イグナシオザフラバレンシア27 NOV 2012 - 午後04時48 CET



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