スペイン中央政府の不法移民の公共保健制度からの排除は、9つの自治州のBaleares,Canarias,Cantabria,Castilla-La Mancha,Extremadora,La Rioja,Madrid, Murcia,Aragon,では不法移民の診察を拒否し、Castilla y Leon, Valencia,Galicia,Navaraでは不法移民の診察を可能にする対策を実施し、Andalusia,Asturia,Ctalunya,Euskadi(Pais Vasco)は不法移民の診察が可能
Nueve autonomías aplican a rajatabla la exclusión sanitaria a los sin papeles
Médicos del Mundo analiza la aplicación de la medida a los tres meses de su entrada en vigor
Madrid, Aragón, Baleares o Castilla-La Mancha, entre las regiones más restrictivas
El Gobierno restringe el acceso a la sanidad a los inmigrantes irregulares
Jaime Prats Valencia 28 NOV 2012 - 13:15 CET
Nine autonomies strictly apply to health exclusion paperless
MdM analyzes the application of the measure at three months of its entry into force
Madrid, Aragon, Balearic Islands and Castilla-La Mancha, among the most restrictive
The government restricts access to health care for undocumented migrants
Jaime Prats Valencia 28 NOV 2012 - 13:15 CET
Heterogeneity and chaos are two key features that define the application of the exclusion of the health network standard irregular immigrants. Three months after the entry into force of the measure, the humanitarian organization Doctors of the World has analyzed how they are implementing the various regional governments and has concluded that there is great diversity among regions.
There are nine regional governments that are running as unreservedly. This is the Balearic Islands, Cantabria, Castile-La Mancha, Extremadura, La Rioja, Madrid, Murcia and Aragon. Some of them are not only being totally faithful to the intention of leaving the undocumented outside the coverage of the public, except emergencies, assistance with pregnancy and childbirth, and children-but "beyond what brand of Royal Decree 16/2012 on violation of rights. " For example, "giving the administrative staff to the toilet instead of the power to decide what is or is not an emergency."
The report contains a selection of cases has been hampered assistance to immigrants. Among the autonomous stricter exclusion, Aragon, the Balearic Islands, Castilla-La Mancha and the Balearics are those with more and more serious incidents. Yet MdM warns that there have been cases of denial of care in Spain, even in those who disobey.
There is another group of autonomy that apply the rule and, at the same time, administrative tools have been developed to allow the attention of people without residence above the minimum set by law. This is the case of Castilla y León, Valencia, Galicia and Navarra.
A third group comprising Andalusia, Asturias, Catalonia and Euskadi. All these autonomies reject the application of the rule in its territory, to the point of having recourse to the extent the courts, as has been the case of Andalusia and the Basque Country.
Beyond diversity in the application of the standard, MdM has also found that there is widespread confusion in its application. And this does not only affect the health and administrative staff of the various health systems. Also users who might be affected by the exclusion. This translates into "a referral service to another, contradictory answers, rejecting the health card processing even if the victim was entitled to her or denial of care to pregnant women or children."
Only six autonomous regions have developed their own regulations to implement the expulsion health in their territories. But even among these regions are varied documents (newsletters, instructions, statements) as are its contents: "while some are characterized by complex administrative detail, others only vague statements contemplated." Moreover, most of them are provisional.
Stories of exclusion
In the report released Wednesday by Doctors of the World is a list of cases in which it has violated the right to health in different autonomous. Here are some of them:
ARAGON: Grace comes from Ghana, has a residence permit in Spain and has a daughter of 13. He went to the health center to process the card for her daughter and sent to the National Institute of Social Security, when it is the health center who handles this document. The INSS told he had no right to health care or as a starter or as a beneficiary.
BALEARES: In July 2012 expired residence permit Juliana. Pending that processed the Cuban embassy to renew a document. Meanwhile, it has discharged its health card despite suffering from hypertension, diabetes, glaucoma, depression and hypothyroidism.
Castilla-La Mancha: Fatima is Moroccan, is irregular and lacks health insurance card. She was diagnosed with breast carcinoma. He was operated and has been subjected to chemotherapy. Without emnbargo, now not get medical care coverage lacking and is not under any track.
CANARY: Mercedes has diabetes, is pregnant and has no residence permit and health card. Knowing that expecting a child went to the health center to be at risk for the disease. No one helped her and referred to the INSS to be addressed during gestation. The first scan was performed at 20 weeks. After giving birth, the health center has refused to give the medication you need. It is assumed that the exclusion leaves out health care for pregnant women, as well as after birth.
MADRID: Carolina is a Venezuelan patient with epilepsy. He lives in Madrid with his family. He was in treatment until 31 August, but lacking work permits and residence is out of healthcare. You do not get the medication he needs and goes to the consultation of the neurologist who oversaw its evolution.
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