




Los salarios pierden peso

Al principio de la crisis, los sueldos ganaron peso en la tarta y la rentabilidad cayó

Ángel Laborda 25 NOV 2012 - 00:00 CET

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Fuentes: Comisión Europea, M. de Empleo, INE y Funcas. Gráficos elaborados por A. Laborda. / EL PAÍS


Wages lose weight

At the beginning of the crisis, wages gained weight in the cake and profitability fell

Angel Laborda 25 NOV 2012 - 00:00 CET

From the beginnings of economics, the income distribution has been one of the central themes of study, albeit uneven attention. In the early nineteenth century, the English economist David Ricardo wrote that, contrary to what they thought Robert Malthus and Adam Smith, political economy should be geared toward the nature and causes of the wealth, but "research on laws determine the distribution of the product in a sector between the classes involved in its formation. " His successor Karl Marx, the last of the great classics, based on this concern the central point of his theory, which would have much impact in the twentieth century. With the passage of time and the change in the orientation of the study of economics that brought the marginalist, the distribution of income became a secondary issue. Milton Friedman, one of the American economists of the most influential liberal school, wrote in 1966: "I find it hard to understand why someone might be interested in the specific value of the share of aggregate income going to wages." Why not study the functional distribution of income has lost interest. The analysis of the factors that determine the remuneration of the factors of production is still very useful for understanding the phenomena of accumulation, savings and investment flows, investment in physical and human capital, supply and demand for labor, in short, same growth in the short and long term. Of course, it has not ceased to be the starting point of the studies on equity.

Sources: European Commission, M. Employment and Funcas INE. Graphics produced by A. Laborda. / COUNTRY
The issue has again come to the fore in Spain. There could be no other way to see how the share of GDP that goes to remunerate the work is falling rapidly, while increasing the share of business surplus, which, by the way, not to be confused with the benefits in principle, since the It includes consumption of fixed capital, compensation of entrepreneurship (which would be the most equivalent to the benefits) and mixed income of labor and capital of the autonomous. The following graphs can help understand the mechanisms by which this is occurring weight loss of wages.
The terms of the rates of change of wage earnings, surprisingly, in the early years of the crisis, despite heavy job losses that occurred, nominal wages increased significantly. Big mistake, because that certainly contributed to job losses and therefore worsen and prolong the crisis. But the important thing is not so much the nominal wage increase, but its increase per unit produced, calculation involved in productivity per worker. In these years, as in the above, these increases were higher than productivity, so nominal labor costs per unit produced (CLU) continued to increase. Since 2010, things changed dramatically: the nominal wage increase is strongly moderated and productivity grows significantly, well above wages, so the nominal decrease CLU.

Now correcting past mistakes and start businesses to be more profitable than their competitors
The story continues with the graph showing the variation in prices (deflator) GDP at basic prices, ie excluding taxes on production and imports. This deflator is a weighted average of changes in the CLU and gross operating surplus per unit produced (EBEU). When the first increase less than the GDP deflator, the second, by definition, makes it above, which means that profit margins at the expense of increased labor costs. Thus, wages of employees lose weight in GDP and wins over.
The end result is that in the early years of the crisis, wages increased their share of the pie, which worsened profitability, making adjustments intensified templates. Now they are correcting that mistake and businesses left standing start to become profitable, even more than those of our competitors. This should be a good starting point for the recovery of investment and employment. Of course, when the credit flowing again.
Angel Laborda Situation is director of the Foundation of Savings Banks (Func).

September trade
September exports registered a growth well below showing in the coming months. This should not be taken as a change in trend, but is typical of the volatility of monthly foreign trade data published by Customs. Therefore, it is more useful to analyze the aggregated data of a quarter or year period elapsed. Thus, the third-quarter, seasonally adjusted and constant prices, show a 12% increase in quarterly annualized rate, after growing by 5% in the previous quarter. In cumulative figures since January, the growth is much lower, 1.6%. This recovery of exports to imports moved (to export must be imported, mainly raw materials and intermediate goods), who interrupted his strong downtrend and stabilized in the entire third quarter compared to the previous. All this resulted in a high contribution of foreign trade to real GDP growth and a reduction in the trade deficit.





エンジェルLaborda25 NOV 2012 - 00:00 CET

経済学の始まりから、所得分布が不均一​​に注目ではあるが、研究の中心的なテーマの一つとなっている。 19世紀初頭では、英語のエコノミスト、デビッド·リカードは、ロバート·マルサスとアダム·スミスの考えに反して、政治経済は富の性質と原因を対象としますが、 "法律上の研究すべきである、と書いているその形成に関与するクラス間セクターの製品の配布を決定します。 "彼の後継者カール·マルクス、この懸念二十世紀に多くの影響を与えるだろう、彼の理論の中心点に基づいて、偉大な古典の最後。時間と、限界をもたらした経済学の研究の姿勢の変化の経過とともに、所得の分布は二次的な問題になった。ミルトン·フリードマン、最も影響力のあるリベラル派のアメリカの経済学者の一人は、1966年に書いた: "私は誰かが賃金に行く総所得の割合の特定の値に興味があるかもしれませんなぜそれがハードを理解することを見つける。"なぜ所得の機能的分配を勉強しないで関心を失ってしまった。生産要素の報酬を決定する要因の分析は、簡単に言えば、労働者のための物理的、人的資本、需要と供給の投資、蓄積、貯蓄と投資の流れの現象を理解するためにも非常に便利ですが、短期的および長期的に同じ成長。もちろん、それは資本の研究の出発点であることをやめていない。

出所:欧州委員会、M.雇用とFuncas INE。 Aによって生成したGraphics Laborda。 /国
賃金所得の変化率の観点からは、驚くべきことに、危機の早い時期に、発生した重い仕事の損失にもかかわらず、名目賃金が大幅に増加した。確かに仕事の損失に寄与し、したがって、危機を悪化させ、長引かそのため、大きな間違い。しかし、重要なことは、そんなに名目賃金の上昇はありませんが、単位あたりの増加は、労働者一人当たりの生産性に関わる計算を作り出した。近年、上記のように、これらの増加は、生産性よりも高かった、生産単位当たりそう名目労働コスト(CLU)が増加し続けた。 2010年以来、事態は劇的に変化:名目賃金の増加が強く抑えられ、生産性が大幅に増加されている、よく賃金の上なので、名目減少CLU。


9月には、今後数ヶ月のうちに示すだけでなく、以下の成長を記録し輸出しています。これは、傾向の変化として取られますが、税関が発行する月刊の対外貿易データの揮発性の典型であるべきではありません。したがって、それは経過四半期または年間の期間の集計データを分析する方が便利です。これにより、第3四半期の季節調整および一定した価格は、前四半期に5%成長した後、四半期年率12%の増加を示しています。 1月以降の累積図では、成長率は、1.6パーセントはるかに低いです。輸出入のこの回復は彼の強い下降トレンドを中断し、以前に比べて全体の第三四半期に安定した人、(エクスポートするには、主に原材料や中間財を輸入しなければならない)に移動。このすべては、実質GDP成長率と貿易赤字の削減には対外貿易の高い貢献をもたらした。

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