El código contra desahucios registra ocho daciones en pago en su primer trimestre
El Gobierno no descarta facilitar las condiciones para que incluya a más afectados
En total se han recibido 568 solicitudes y se han finalizado 285 procesos
La mayoría de peticiones se han rechazado por las entidades al no cumplir las condiciones
El País Madrid 23 NOV 2012 - 17:36 CET
The code recorded eight evictions against payment in kind in its first quarter
The Government does not rule facilitating conditions to include more affected
A total of 568 applications were received and 285 processes have been completed
Most requests have been rejected by banks to not meet the conditions
The Country Madrid 23 NOV 2012 - 17:36 CET
The Ministry of Economy has published today the first official report of the code of practice of the bank to prevent evictions of the most disadvantaged. According to the department heads and Luis de Guindos for the first quarter of implementation of the measure between March 11 and June 30, only eight of all closed processes in this period have resulted in the payment in kind, making it possible to exchange the debt hit the bank with the delivery of housing. Despite this balance, the Government is confident that the number of families benefiting from this measure will increase as consolidate the code in order to put an end to a problem "humanitarian and social" in the words of the governor of the Bank of Spain, Luis Mary Linde, and has warned that a large segment of society.
A total of 568 applications were received, 283 of which were unresolved at the end of the quarter, ie 49.8% of the total. Of the 285 applications whose processing ended, resolved 278 institutions were loans and loans with an outstanding debt of € 36.5 million. In the remaining seven cases the applicant withdrew.
Of the 278 claims resolved in eight cases there has been foreclosed and the consequent extinction of the debt. In 44 cases it has undertaken a restructuring of outstanding debt. All other requests (226) have been rejected by banks because the debtor did not fulfill the required conditions. Of the 100 banks or old boxes that have received the code, only 28 have reported receiving requests.
Economy clarifies that although the Code of Practice came into force on March 11, the vast majority of non-adherence to conclude until mid-April through the bureaucratic process and information that was new and, therefore, difficult. "These factors explain why, in practice, the effect of the Code of Practice has been less than three months analyzed," said the ministry in a note.
In the same vein, adding that "this is a first attempt to solve the problem of evictions in cases of first home and risk of social exclusion and, as such, should be given more time to prove their effectiveness." In fact, reveal, between July and September have already submitted around other 700 applications.
In order to extend protection to disadvantaged families, the Government launched last week a two-year moratorium on evictions. Households may welcome this measure are those below an income threshold of 19,170.4 per year, so the mortgage on their primary residence contributes more than 50% of revenue and also the case of persons particularly vulnerable because of their family circumstances. Guindos estimated 600,000 families qualify for the HIPC initiative. The move, however, raises concern among the group of judges by the arbitrariness of their conditions.
Economy puts the total eviction of families from their first home since the start of the crisis to between 4,000 and 15,000. This contrasts, and much with which manages the Platform of People Affected by Mortgages that data from the judiciary speaks of 350,000 executions since 2007 and about 160,000 evictions.
According to the latest data from CGPJ, for the first quarter of 2012, there have been 48,213 uprisings, it is like in the jargon is called early in the process for non-payment of a mortgage. This figure, however, does not distinguish between the type of defaulters, if companies or individuals, or the property affected. In any case, this rate of ejecuciciones reveals that occur around 500 per day.
経済産業省は、今日最も不利なの立ち退きを防ぐために、銀行の練習のコードの最初の公式報告書を発行しています。 3月11日と6月30日の間の措置の実施の第一四半期の部門ヘッドとルイス·デ·Guindosによると、この期間のすべての閉じたプロセスのみ8は、物納をもたらしましたそれが可能な債務を交換するために作ることは住宅の引渡しと銀行を襲った。このバランスにもかかわらず、政府は今回の措置の恩恵を受けて家族の数はルイスのように、スペインの銀行の知事の言葉を借りれば "人道的かつ社会的な"問題に終止符を打つために、コードを統合増加することを確信していますメアリーリンデ、社会の大きなセグメントと警告している。
8例で解決278クレームの存在抵当流れされており、債務の帰結絶滅。 44例では、未払債務の再編を行ってきました。債務者は、必要な条件を満たさなかったため、他のすべての要求(226)が銀行によって拒否されました。 100銀行やコードを受け取った古い箱のうち、28はリクエストを受け取ったと報告している。
経済は、実践のための規範では3月11日に発効したが、非遵守の大半が新しい、したがって、困難であった官僚的なプロセスと情報を通じて四月中旬まで締結することを明確にしている。 "これらの要因が理由を説明、実際には、実践のための規範の効果が分析さ未満3ヶ月だった"とノートに同省は述べています。
同じ静脈では、 "これは次のような、それらの有効性を証明するために多くの時間を与えられるべきである、最初の家と社会的排除のリスクの例で立ち退きの問題を解決した初めての試みである。"と付け加えた。実際には、明らかに、7月と9月の間に、すでに他の700のアプリケーションを中心に提出している。
恵まれない家庭に保護を拡張するために、政府は先週、立ち退きに2年間のモラトリアムを開始しました。世帯は、これは測定歓迎かもしれ19,170.4年間の所得しきい値を下回るものであるので、彼らの主要な住居に抵当権は、人の場合も、収益の50%以上に貢献し、なぜなら彼らの家庭の事情の特に弱い。 Guindosは600,000家族がHIPCイニシアティブの対象と推定した。この動きは、しかし、それらの条件の恣意によって裁判官のグループの間で懸念される。
カントリーマドリード23 NOV 2012 - 17:36 CET
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