La UE cierra la cumbre de presupuestos sin acuerdo
Alemania se ha resistido a hacer concesiones a Reino Unido a pesar del posible veto de Londres
Claudi Pérez Bruselas 23 NOV 2012 - 17:09 CET
The EU summit closes budgets without agreement
Germany has been reluctant to make concessions to the UK despite the possible veto of London
Claudi Perez Brussels 23 NOV 2012 - 17:09 CET
Brussels has closed today week failures No compromise to solve the problem of Greece, no bailout for Cyprus and finally, there is no agreement on the budget from 2014 to 2020, amounting to one billion euros, 1 % of European GDP. Amid a deep division of the Twenty leaders have closed the summit after a tense negotiation, festering between taxpayers and recipients countries. The President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, has not managed to balance the positions of the rich countries, they wanted more and more cuts, and the countries of Eastern and peripherals. His plan called for a cut of 80,000 million euros on the proposal of the Council, with harsh cuts in cohesion and agriculture. Germany wanted more, around 100,000 million, and some countries were even harder, as the United Kingdom - that get the most out of failure at this meeting - Holland or Sweden.
Negotiations move now, presumably, to the first months of 2013, and with the EU under the presidency of Ireland, a country whose freedom of action rescued is small, but that also can build bridges between London and the rest, to the risk that the talks become a 26 to one. The only finding after this summit is that the European budget, will remain irrelevant: that 1% of GDP, well argued the U.S. budget (around 20%), prevent the European institutions perform a stabilizing role in a crisis as hard as the current one, according to diplomatic sources. The most serious problem is that even though no one argues about that figure Pyrrhic, the Veintisete are unable to agree on a deal that minimally meets delegations.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, settled the meeting in the absence of prospects for an agreement. Council President, Herman Van Rompuy, said that it is likely that negotiations continue at a summit in February, according to diplomatic sources. Merkel, according to sources, decided to close the conversation when it found almost total isolation of the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, engaged in a brutal cut of up to 200,000 million, which affect European officials and not in the least affect the British rebate.
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