Rajoy says the VAT rise but not the "explore" as required by the EU
Rajoy asegura que no subirá el IVA aunque lo “explorará” como pide la UE
El presidente exhibe la cifra del paro: "Confirma que la política del Gobierno es la adecuada"
Sobre el reparto de déficti: "Todos los argumentos son buenos y válidos, pero incompatibles"
Francesco Manetto Madrid 4 JUN 2013 - 16:40 CET
Rajoy says the VAT rise but not the "explore" as required by the EU
The President exhibited the unemployment figures: "It confirms that government policy is adequate"
On the distribution of déficti: "All are good and valid arguments, but inconsistent"
Francesco Manetto Madrid 4 JUN 2013 - 16:40 CET
Mariano Rajoy has sought today to reassure senators Popular Party in respect of taxes and VAT modulation suggested by the European Union. According to the president, the government will have to "explore" the possibilities of its application, as recommended by Brussels, but that does not mean you have to upload it. The Chief Executive confirmed theirs and it already said Saturday in his speech at the Economic Circle of Sitges: no plans to raise the tax and limited to "explore".
In full pulse deficit for the division between the regions of the PP and the Government, the Chief Executive has also made it clear in his meeting with the senators of the Popular Party, that "all are good and valid arguments, but incompatible". He was referring to the barons who, as the Valencian Alberto Fabra, defend and asymmetric distribution, as José Antonio Monagas Extremadura, wants a common distribution.
The president, who has pointed to specific agreements with the opposition, has also stressed that since coming to La Moncloa was devoted to correcting "imbalances" to be found, especially in relation to the deficit and financing system. Looking ahead, asked to follow the roadmap laid down by the National Reform and Stability Program.
On arrival at the meeting, around 1330, Rajoy has valued the May unemployment data. When EPA published April that another record and threw some unemployment data and over six million, the president took four days to explain. Today, however, it is uttered only a few hours after learning of registered unemployment figures, with the best performance of the past 16 years and a decline in more than 98,000 unemployed.
The Chief Executive has shown this figure to journalists in a bulky knot and surrounded by security personnel. "It's a good thing, good news, but there are many things to do", considered before insisting: "It is very positive news and we are in need of good news."
According to Rajoy, registered unemployment figures, which also highlighted the increase in Social Security membership at 134 660 contributors, "confirm that the government's economic policy is appropriate." However, the president stressed that the government will have to \ continue working with the same intensity, with even more intensity. "
For the chief executive, is now the most important thing to focus efforts on achieving credit for SMEs and youth employment. These are exactly the axes of the roadmap that the PSOE government and try to agree to reach a common position at the June European Council and "do battle together" in Brussels, as highlighted several popular leaders in recent days . On Saturday, Rajoy advanced in his speech at the Economic Circle of Sitges that unemployment figures would be "encouraging", but avoided detail them.
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