スペインの経済社会審議会:CES(el Consejo Economico y Social)は、政府の起業家促進法にたいし12の批判、欠点を指摘
Los 12 reveses a la Ley de Emprendedores
El Consejo Económico y Social (CES) califica el anteproyecto del Gobierno como "confuso" y "falto de rigor".
El Gobierno limita la responsabilidad para los emprendedores
Las ayudas a los emprendedores costarán 2.000 millones al Estado en 2014 y 2015
J. S. G. Madrid 11 JUN 2013 - 19:09 CET
The 12 setbacks Entrepreneurs Act
The Economic and Social Council (CES) describes the government draft as "confusing" and "lacking in rigor".
The government limits liability for entrepreneurs
Helps entrepreneurs will cost 2,000 million to the State in 2014 and 2015
J. S. G. Madrid 11 JUN 2013 - 19:09 CET
The Economic and Social Council (ESC) has issued a scathing report against the Draft Law Entrepreneurs presented by the Government of Mariano Rajoy two weeks ago. The agency, headed Marcos Peña, details up to a dozen setbacks against the norm, sold by the Executive on numerous occasions, which aims to encourage the creation of SMEs and reduce the responsibility of the young entrepreneurs who start an activity.
The document, consisting of 17 pages, states that "the Council considers necessary to make some critical assessments" on the draft prepared by the government and involving several ministries. "First, the purpose of the rule is confusing," the report of the CES, which advanced the World. He believes that the rule is a kind of catchall because it includes both "measures to support entrepreneurs as provisions to facilitate the development of business activity generally and measures to encourage the internationalization of companies without including precise definitions of reality that seeks to regulate. "
Secondly, the body is struck by the definition of the term "entrepreneur" who adopts the wording of the draft: "natural or legal person to develop a productive economic activity." According to CES this concept "departs from the commonly accepted". "The lack of rigor in defining the scope of the standard and scope explains the lack of systematic coherence of the draft because their regulatory provisions are not structured, as desirable," he adds third CES, which also questions that "not including exclusion, implicit, cooperatives and labor companies."
One criticism clearest Peña presiding body is considered "in general is a complex and heterogeneous proposal is constructed from overlapping regulatory changes of different depth and different purposes."
The ESC believes that "a large part of the program provisions are contained in the sense of creating goals, but without rights and obligations with legal significance." Another setbacks contained in the opinion is because the ESC considers that "many issues are relegated to the back draft regulatory development without concrete deadlines to carry out" (as the special VAT regime, regulation of debentures and bonds internationalization, etc.).
The agency also questioned the rules for not taking into account that the local authorities have powers and that there is a regional and local legal framework should be considered. The CES, the absence of provisions of a social as programs to encourage women to start business projects and other plans that discriminate in favor of people with disabilities.
As tenth criticism, the opinion notes that the rule does not provide specifications that characterize the process of undertaking technological activities. Another objection is that the agency believes should have paid more attention to the undertaking of activities in rural areas. "Promote measures to reduce the digital divide between rural and urban areas."
Finally, the ESC noted that throughout the document presented by the Deputy Prime Minister has ce two weeks "there is not a single mention of the involvement of social partners in decision-making."
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