エドワードスノーデンはアメリカの国家安全保障院:National Secutity Agencyによる世界的諜報·盗聴設備を告発(echelon, prism)
Edward Snowden nos salva de los Stasi Unidos de América
Daniel Ellsberg 11 JUN 2013 - 12:06 CET
Edward Snowden saves us from the Stasi States of America
Daniel Ellsberg 11 JUN 2013 - 12:06 CET
In my opinion, there has been in American history most important filtration publication by Edward Snowden of material from the National Security Agency (NSA for its acronym in English), and that certainly includes the Pentagon Papers ago 40. Snowden's revelation gives us the ability to reverse a fundamental part of what has amounted to an "executive coup" against the U.S. Constitution.
Since 11-S, there was, at first in secret, but then in an increasingly open, a reversal of the Bill of Rights for which this country fought 200 years ago. Specifically, the 4th and the 5th amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which protects citizens from unwarranted intrusions into their private lives by the Government, have been virtually suspended.
The government says it has a court order in accordance with the Law on Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA, by its acronym in English), but that largely unconstitutional surveillance order comes from a secret court, protected from real and supervision due almost entirely to the requirements of the Executive. As Russel Tice says a exanalista of the NSA, "is a kangaroo court system that authorizes".
It is therefore silly that the president says then that there is judicial oversight, as so is the alleged role in overseeing the intelligence committees in Congress. Not the first time-and the topics of torture, abductions, detentions, killings with drones and death squads, which have proved to be dominated by the bodies that are supposed to control. They are also black holes to information that citizens need to know.
The fact that congressional leaders were "informed" on this subject and would consent, without any open debate, no hearing, no parliamentary scrutiny nor any possibility of expressing an actual disagreement, just shows how damaged it is the system of checks and balances in this country.
Obviously, the U.S. is now a police state, but given the importance of this invasion of the privacy of individuals, we all electronic infrastructure and legislative and State. If, for example, now would provoke a war antiwar movement on a large scale - like we had against the war in Vietnam - or, more likely, if we suffer another attack of the magnitude of 11-S I fear for our democracy. These powers are extremely dangerous. There are legitimate reasons for the existence of confidentiality, and specifically to maintain the confidentiality of communications intelligence services. That is the reason why Bradley Mannning and I - and both had access to that information released intelligence higher than the high secret - we decided not to disclose any information that it had that classification. And that's the reason why Edward Snowden is committed to refusing to publish most of the information that could be revealed.
But what is not legal is to use a system of confidentiality to hide programs that are clearly unconstitutional in its scope and potential abuses. Neither the President nor Congress can revoke together for themselves the 4th amendment, and that is the reason why what Snowden revealed so far remained hidden from the American people.
In 1975, Senator Frank Church spoke of the National Security Agency in the following terms:
"I know the capacity that exists to make it absolute tyranny in America, and we must make this agency and all agencies that possess this technology operate within the law and under proper supervision so that never crossed that abyss. It is the abyss from which there is no turning back. "
The dangerous perspective that was warned that the ability of U.S. intelligence to gather information-who actually is nothing compared with that which existed in the pre-digital era, "could turn against the American people at any time, and no American would have any privacy you. "
That has happened now. That's what has made public Snowden with secret official documents. The NSA, FBI and CIA have with the new digital technology, with a power of surveillance on our citizens with the Stasi, the former secret police of the old "democratic republic" in East Germany, could not even have dream. Snowden reveals that community called intelligence services has become the United Stasi of America.
Therefore, we have fallen into the abyss of Senator Church. The question is now whether he was right or wrong about there was no turning back, and if that means that real democracy will become impossible. A week ago, I would have taken these conclusions argue pessimistic responses.
But the fact that Edward Snowden has risked his life to reveal this information, possibly inspiring others with some knowledge, awareness and patriotism like to display a value comparable civilian-between citizens, in Congress and in the industry itself Executive-unexpected makes me see the possibility of finding a way to climb out of the abyss.
The citizens informed about pressure on Congress to form an investigation committee that makes clear the revelations of Snowden and hopefully other people, could lead us to submit to the NSA and the rest of the community services spying actual supervision and control and restore protection of the Bill of Rights.
Snowden has done what he has done because he has recognized what programs are NSA surveillance: a dangerous and unconstitutional. This general invasion of the privacy of U.S. citizens and foreigners not contribute to our security, threatens the very freedoms we are trying to protect.
Daniel Ellsberg is a former Army analyst esadounidense. In 1971 leaked the Pentagon Papers to The New York Times. The documents contained a secret analysis deciciones making U.S. government regarding the Vietnam War.
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