スペインの衣料品 製造 販売 連鎖店のZara, BershkaなどのInditexは、450人の幹部に売上報奨金として、9100万0000ユーロ相当の900'000株を嬢とする計画、2012年にはInditexは、世界で19億3000万0000ユーロの法人税を納税、付加価値税(IVA)と従業員の個人所得税(IRPF)は21億6900万0000ユーロ。スペインでは760'000'000ゆーろの法人税納入、欧州では664'000'000、アメリカでは328'000'000、ほかは178'000'000.
Inditex prepara un plan de incentivos para 450 directivos de hasta 91 millones
Los directivos recibirán acciones si logran una buena evolución de la empresa en Bolsa
Pablo Isla aspirará a recibir hasta 60.000 títulos, valorados ahora en 6,1 millones de euros
Cristina Delgado Madrid 13 JUN 2013 - 00:01 CET
Inditex preparing an incentive plan for managers 450 to 91 million
The directors receive shares they obtain a good performance of the company on the stock exchange
Pablo Isla aspire to receive up to 60,000 titles, now valued at 6.1 million euros
Cristina Delgado Madrid 13 JUN 2013 - 00:01 CET
The textile company Inditex, owner of brands such as Zara and Bershka, presented to shareholders at the general meeting held on July 16 an incentive plan for managers long term, it intends to apply between 2014 and 2017. In total, the plan will deliver a maximum of 900,000 shares between managers if the company manages to be one of the most profitable in the industry for its shareholders. That package of shares, current market price, worth 91 million euros. The multinational Galicia is one of the Spanish companies that best weathered the economic crisis, which has led it to become the most valuable of all the Spanish Stock Exchange.
The money you receive will depend recipients "of Inditex stock market performance." Up to 450 managers could benefit from the plan, which consists of two mutually independent time cycles. The first extends from July 1, 2013 until June 30, 2016. The second runs from July 1, 2014 until June 30, 2017.
Pablo Isla, CEO, aspire to receive a maximum of 60,000 titles, now valued at 6.1 million euros. "In order to align the interests of the management with those of shareholders, the plan is delivered to the beneficiaries of a certain number of shares of Industria de Diseño Textil, SA (Inditex, SA) in respect of long-term incentive , depending on the fulfillment of the objectives established for each of the periods into which the plan, "explains the company to its shareholders.
To determine whether the objectives have been met, will compare the return for shareholders of Inditex compared to companies in the Dow Jones Retail Titans 30, which includes major global retailers, companies like Home Depot, Wal-Mart, Amazon . com, eBay, CVS, Costco, Tesco, H & M, in addition to the Inditex. To achieve all the incentive, Inditex has to be in the top 25% of the 30 companies. If it goes into the middle, will be 30% and if it is in the lower half, managers would receive nothing.
The company founded by Amancio Ortega also vote eligible for revaluation, a measure supported by the Ministry of Finance, which allows you to review the book value of its assets and property investments. Be paid for the extra 5% in taxes, less than what it would cost in the future, for example to pay capital gains tax if it disposes of those assets. Inditex, which wants to revise upwards the value of land, buildings and plant, Treasury will pay 2.3 million euros, as assets happen to have a value in the balance 5501000-5547000 euros, mainly by the revaluation of properties.
Taxes in Spain
The firm presented on Wednesday its contribution to the public coffers. Reported that the world spends 4.099 million in taxes, 38% in Spain, between direct payments and charges levied as VAT or income tax deductions for their direct contribution is empleados.La 1,930 million and collected, of 2,169 million.
With respect to contributions directly supported, Inditex worldwide contributed a total of 1,930 million euros. In this figure includes income tax, property tax and tariff taxes, among others. By geographical area, Inditex paid 39% of their direct tax contribution for the year in Spain (760 million) and 35% in Europe (664 million). Also paid 17% of total direct taxes in America (328 million) and 9% in Asia and rest of the world (178 million).
The greatest contribution generated in Spain comes from strong activity Inditex generates added value for their logistical, design and export all fashion products outward, according to the company. This dynamic also positively affects the trade balance. Inditex exports from Spain represent 27% of total exports by the customs textile section 2012, which is technically known as section 11 of the Customs Code TARIC (textile materials and articles thereof).
The Inditex profits continue to grow, but not at meteoric rates from previous years. The group won in its first fiscal quarter, to April, 438 million euros, up 2% on the same period a year earlier. This is the lowest growth achieved in the first quarter in the last four years. Advanced sales 5% and stood at 3.593 billion euros.
The gross operating profit (EBITDA) of Inditex was 749 million euros, compared with EUR 764 million achieved a year earlier, representing the first decline in the history of this section with a cut of 1.9%. On the other hand, the net operating profit (EBIT) fell 3% to 559 million euros.
However, no one can say that the firm has cheated. The result is in line with analysts' forecasts, which adelantaban a slowdown in business performance due to specific factors such as poor weather in Europe, the effect of the exchange rate and the impact of one less day of sale. So the stock received optimistic data, and its shares closed with a rise of 3.54% to 101.3 euros.
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