学校できちんとした性教育をしなければ、電脳網で簡単に見れる性交(ポルノ)映像で歪曲された性知識や事実が子供達や若者の間に はびこってしまう危険性が大きい
El porno, un mal profesor de educación sexual
Una investigación británica reclama más tiempo escolar para contenidos sobre relaciones afectivas para combatir el creciente acceso a material erótico a través de la Red
Las distintas visiones de estas enseñanzas lastran su presencia en las aulas
J. A. Aunión 14 JUN 2013 - 00:06 CET
The porn, poor sex education teacher
A British study calls for more school time for content on affective relationships to combat the growing access to erotic material through the Red
The different views of these teachings hinder their presence in the classroom
J. A. Aunión 14 JUN 2013 - 00:06 CET
Without good sex education in schools, pornography could end up being elevated, if not already done so, as the great source of learning in this field for children and adolescents who have these contents to a simple click away from very small . A recent study by the University of Middlesex (United Kingdom) has launched this warning and calls for more emotional and sexual education in schools to combat distorted picture pretty sure about the relationships that young people get porn. "The curriculum in sex education of children must grow and acquire more relevance, and includes education about pornography," claims the text.
The problem is that sex education is often accompanied by much controversy by the very different ways of understanding. Being so interwoven vision of sexuality and emotional relationships with moral and ethical values, controversy often causes paralysis in public policy-states-as in Spain, the teachings being reduced to a few content - biology-centered in science subjects, and any additional training or workshop, at the mercy of the involvement and the desire of the team of teachers. Or the ideological orientation of the centers (for example, in the case of Catholic schools), which sometimes clash with scientific evidence.
Source: Survey Bayer Schering Pharma. / COUNTRY
In any case, it is a completely inadequate education, says Mar Venegas, a sociologist at the University of Granada. "The emotional and sexual education, as has been said many times, is still pending in Spain," he says. Although now probably more than ever.
"Our work has found increasing evidence that young people are not satisfied with the sex education they receive, so they increasingly turn to pornography for information. The problem is that, rather than teaching, porn distorts the ideas of the boys and girls about relationships and sexual practices "email explaining two of the authors of the study entitled Basically ... porn is everywhere (basically. .. porn is everywhere), Professor of Psychology at Middlesex Afroditi Miranda Horvath and Pina, University of Kent.
In Spain, the main sources of sexual information for young Spanish of 15-24 years remain family and friends, according to the latest survey Shering, 2009. Meanwhile, mentioning the school as a source of knowledge on the subject, which had doubled between 2002 and 2005, fell again in 2009, from 47% to 42% in the case of girls, and 46% to 35% in the boys. Meanwhile, those who turn to the Internet increased from 13% to 31% (of them) and from 23% to 41% (them).
The fight is who decides the contents: the parents or the state?
Actually, the main information sources that feed the young on sexuality have always been very similar, although they are now much more accessible via the Internet, says Professor at the University of La Laguna Fernando Barragán. "In 1982 was presented at the University of La Laguna pioneering research on sexual information and the behavior of the school population in showing that students of 11-18 years reported in pornography as if they were sex education books either from their own homes; pornography today is social media and new technologies, so that even the European Union alert training needs of students and the various groups of professionals to learn how to develop skills recognition and defense sexual violence, "said Barragan.
"Let there be no formal sex education based on scientific facts and not to say that boys and girls do not have questions and need answers. Looking for other ways to learn "insists the expert of Family Planning Federation Alexa Segura. "And when you learn about sex through the media which mostly spread, or porn, what you get is the reproduction of sexist stereotypes, violent relationships and based on false expectations. It reproduces a model coitocéntrico, reduced sexuality intercourse also leaves out mutual care practices and many different options to heterosexuality, so many people may feel marginalized, "says the specialist.
In Spain fell from 2005 to information received in schools
Pornography, says new British study, has been linked in various studies with unrealistic attitudes about sex and relationships and dysfunctional on permissive sexual behaviors, with the belief that women are objects, with more frequent thoughts about sex; sexual uncertainty (eg, the degree to which children and young people are not clear about their sexual orientation, beliefs and values), and sexist attitudes. These contents start coming to life of children when they are still in primary (6-12 years), says the report.
The specialist Gemma Martinez, the team's research project EU Kids Online, warns that there is still scientific controversy about the negative effects of pornography viewing in children and adolescents. However, it minimizes the risk, thereby claiming the school contained both a good use of new technologies such as sex education. "Spanish children using the Internet as the main source of access to sexual content (and can be harmed by not knowing how to decode these messages). Public administrations and each of the agencies that oversee child protection have to be aware that the task of child sexual education does not only lie in the hands of parents, but requires formal training and integrated into the school curriculum to protect children from potential damage caused by online sexual content. Contents you can access, receive and generate "insists Martinez.
"They distorted ideas about relationships," say the authors of the work
"Sure it's a growing concern. There is no adequate legislation exists outside Internet as "complains Guillermo Canovas Protégeles president of the NGO, specializing in children and new technologies. "Nowhere responsible kiosk would think selling a pornographic magazine to a minor, or to a video store rent to an adult film, but on the Internet there is no accountability because there is still no adequate system to verify the age of the person accessing "he explains.
While this legislation and these methods arrive, Canovas recommends the filters that exist for parents to control what their children access content over the Internet. And also, of course, speaks of the need for good education to avoid risky situations.
"Pornography should take more control, like any other stimulus harmful to young people, such as snuff or alcohol, and indeed a good sex education is more necessary than ever. But we would have to define what we call good sex education, "says the professor of Medicine and director of the Affective Education Project and Human Sexuality at the University of Navarra, Jokin de Irala.
"They reproduce sexist stereotypes," says one specialist
And there, in a "good sex education", starts the endless fight. "This education is never neutral and easy to get to the debate over who should decide on the contents. Some want to emphasize biological aspects focusing on how sexuality, while others want to also integrate concepts like love. It is not easy to find a solution that satisfies everyone. So, I think that a government is never the best one to choose these contents and that each school is accountable to the families of affective-sexual education it offers, "adds De Irala. This specialist believes that improvement happens "for sexual education foundation in scientific evidence, avoiding any ideological bias, and, for the most debatable issues, by the existence of different school supplies and with different approaches in order to be elected by parents . For example, channeling the text and content decisions taking into account the criteria of associations of parents. "
The problem, however, is that the choices of parents and others may be completely contradictory to each other-for example, the issue of contraception, and even run counter to scientific evidence, such as the principles of education based solely on sexual "virtue of chastity" that defends the Catholic Church. "It has been repeatedly shown that abstinence-only programs are ineffective in promoting and maintaining behavior change. In addition, a large majority has proved ineffective in preventing sexual activity or reduce HIV infection, sexually transmitted diseases or unwanted pregnancy, "says the report Sexual health for the millennium, a statement issued in 2009 by the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS, its acronym in English).
The study's authors say Middlesex that not all parents are prepared to offer in their homes affective sexual education to keep their children away from the "abuses and to develop healthy relationships." "The school is the only joystick we have to ensure that all children are protected and build resilience to the effects of pornography on relationships. The content of sex and relationship education should encompass access and exposure to pornography and sexual practices that are relevant to the lives and experiences of young people, "added Horvath and Pina teachers.
Professor of La Laguna Fernando Barragán completely rejects sex education is promoted from the Catholic Church, which considers guilty of these teachings setbacks in recent years. In his opinion, "sex education is a fundamental right that must ensure the integrity and freedom of citizens.
Denying the right to freedom of choice of sexual preference, the form of marriage or any form of limitation of the right to abortion are expressions of violence. The progressive declines across Europe are taking a serious emergency of homophobia and violence against women. " In his opinion, sex education should promote human happiness and at the same time, "teach differentiate between behaviors that produce pleasure and those involving violence." Something that can hardly be learned only through Internet.
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