La deuda sube al 88,2% y agota en tres meses la mitad del margen para todo 2013
El pasivo al cierre del primer trimestre del año es de un 88,2% del PIB
El balance de todas las Administraciones supera los 922.800 millones, un máximo histórico
El País Madrid 14 JUN 2013 - 10:15 CET
The debt rises to 88.2% in three months and exhausted half the margin for all 2013
The liabilities at the close of the first quarter of the year is 88.2% of GDP
The balance of all government exceeds 922 800 million, a record
The Country Madrid 14 JUN 2013 - 10:15 CET
Spain's public debt rose again in the first quarter of 2013, to 88.2% of GDP, four percentage points above the figure for the end of 2012, which continues its record pace climbing. In addition, depleted in just three months more than half of the projected increase for the year, which is 7.2 percentage points of GDP since the government estimates that it will close the year with a debt of 91.4%.
In cash, liabilities of all the authorities stood at 922.828 million euros between January and March, according to data released this morning by the Bank of Spain. Public debt, in these terms, confirms that public debt marked at the start of this year a new record.
In addition, under the heading of news, statistics notes that Spanish debt exceeded at the start of this 2013 European average. Thus, although the outcome was expected, falling another myth from another era, the brick, the surplus and the exponential growth of the Spanish economy.
According to data released today by the Bank of Spain, the largest increase in debt in absolute terms corresponds to the central administration, which has gone from having a debt of 655 365 000 euros in the first quarter of 2012-796817000 between January and March 2013, equivalent to 76.2% of GDP.
However, the largest increase in relative terms has been to the regions, whose debt has increased by 29.51%, from 146395000-189589000 in the first quarter, equivalent to 18.1% of GDP, which is also a record level of borrowing autonomy.
Slower growth has been to the indebtedness of the municipalities, which increased 16.1% in the first quarter of this year to 42.795 million euros, equivalent to 4.1% of GDP. The level of local government debt, which is the highest in the entire series, it appears that between January and March has picked up again over the last quarter of 2012, when it added two consecutive quarters of decline.
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