スペインのカタルーニャ地方のComite de Gobierno de la Corporacion Catalana de Medios Audiovisuales;(CCMA)は、TV3(カタルーニャ地方(自治州)テレビ)の2100人の従業員とCatalunya Radioの500人の従業員の合計2'600人の労働者のうち、312人を解雇申請手続きに。財政困難のため。従業員の給料の7'5%の削減と幹部の削減も含む。
ERE para 312 empleados en TV-3 y Catalunya Ràdio
Las negociaciones previas a la última reunión han logrado una rebaja en los despidos
Maiol Roger Barcelona 12 JUN 2013 - 16:45 CET
ERE for 312 employees at TV-3 and Catalunya Radio
The negotiations leading up to the last meeting have achieved a reduction in layoffs
Roger Maiol Barcelona 12 JUN 2013 - 16:45 CET
The Employment Redundancy TV-3 and Catalunya Radio entail the dismissal of 312 employees. This was the decision that has emerged from the last meeting of the Governance Committee of the Catalan Broadcasting Corporation (CCMA), the managing body of television and public radio. The initial forecast, as explained COUNTRY, was the dismissal of 500 workers, but recent meetings have managed to reduce the number of cases to 312. The CCMA has a staff of 2,600 people, 2,100 of them employed in TV-3.
The Governance Committee has decided to run this summer ERE broken after testing for negotiations with the works council. The CCMA is assumed that wage cuts will occur later and proposes a 7.5% pay cut. The rebate will be complemented by a reduction of the leadership.
As reported today in a statement CCMA, this proposal combined with downsizing and wage reduction, the Governing Council "priority roads that make it possible to preserve as many jobs while ensuring budgetary stability Corporation given the economic situation and the labor market ".
The president of the CCMA, Brauli Duart, had always promised that the ERE would be "the last option" to reduce costs in the public media Catalan, a fear lurking workers for months. The media management agency must cut its budget for this year to 17%, a snip that fall almost full on employees. It is the third consecutive adjustment of the Corporation, which will dispose of 348.2 million euros to 295.6 million gain. The main revenue stream is the public purse, which provides 225 million.
The CCMA highlights in its statement that, while current expenditure and investments accumulate a reduction of 50% since 2010, in the chapter staff "are not reached projected reductions in spending, which had been set at 27 million euros savings for 2013 ".
Despite being a member of the Government of Mas, Republican Left said today he will not support the ERE in TV-3 and Catalunya Radio. "There is scope for imaginative solutions," he said this afternoon Marta Rovira, general secretary Republican. Although the opinion of CKD does not translate into any binding effect: the Republicans do not have representation on the board of Governors of the CCMA, the body that decides to apply the ERE. The Partit dels Socialistes, which has two representatives on the management body, has also criticized the decision: "The government failed in its compomriso with the media", noted Núria PARLON, who insisted on the occasions I have been asked to Duart on a ERE and this had promised "exhaust all available avenues".
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