



El paro baja en 98.265 personas en el mejor mayo de los últimos 16 años

El número de afiliados a la Seguridad Social crece en 134.660 personas con respecto a abril

¿Has encontrado trabajo en los últimos meses? Cuéntanos tu caso
GRÁFICO Variación mensual del paro en el mes de mayo
EPA y paro registrado: un baile de más de un millón de parados
Manuel V. Gómez Madrid 4 JUN 2013 - 09:46 CET

Fuente: Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social / EL PAÍS
de las contrataciones turísticas de Semana Santa.
Fuente: Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social. / EL PAÍS

Low unemployment in 98,265 people in the best May the last 16 years

The number of Social Security members grows in 134 660 people from April

Have you found work in recent months? Tell us about your case
GRAPHIC Monthly variation in unemployment in May
EPA and registered unemployment: a dance of more than a million unemployed

Manuel V. Gomez Madrid 4 JUN 2013 - 9:46 CET

Mayo has come time for your appointment and has been a good month for employment. May usually alternating with June, the best month of the year for the labor market. And this was no exception. Last month, the Social Security membership grew by 134,660 contributors, according to data published by the Ministry of Employment. While registered unemployment fell by 98,265, to 4.89 million, which has been the best month of May throughout the series, which starts in 1997.
The last month's figures exceed the average of recent years. For the average registered unemployment in the last 15 years is around 54,000 drop. So far, the best May in recent years was the 2005 with a decline of 88 552 enrolled in registered unemployment. It was for Social Security, when 218,498 workers joined. In the case of employment, May 2013, therefore has not been the best.

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Secretary of State for Employment, Engracia Hidalgo, has held that "it is slowing job losses since May 2012." However, although the annual rate actually increased unemployment generally been decreasing in the last year and, more clearly, since November, continues to increase the number of people signed the former Inem regarding levels 12 months ago. Improving therefore does not result in a drop-on-year.
For his part, Secretary of State for Social Security, Tomás Burgos, has said that the increase in membership has been "strong, clear and widespread." In addition, Burgos has highlighted the continued growth of the membership figure in recent months with an advance of 216 265 employed persons between March, April and May. Nevertheless, the ratio of workers paying Social Security and pension remains below minus two employees per beneficiary of one of these benefits. Seasonally adjusted, the increase in employment is 5,659 people.
The Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, spoke of a data "encouraging." And among the members of the Executive who knew labor market data in May was severe for a few days optimism. They dare not speak yet definitive turnaround. But I do expect these numbers insuflen optimism and confidence in the economy. They set the data value because it occurs in a recession, with the economy falling.
March and April were already two months good for the job market. What happens is that the areas of membership and spoke of the fruit seasonally adjusted seasonal employment, procurement derived from tourism Easter.

Source: Ministry of Employment and Social Security. / COUNTRY
May usually becomes better than the previous month for several reasons. The first, approaching high tourist season, which is already released of Easter and begin hiring. But there are other, pluck several campaigns in the construction field and also launches many works, which translates into jobs.
Thus, by sector, low unemployment in the service sector in 61,336 people (-1.97%), construction fell by 18,637 people (-2.51%) in agriculture is reduced 9,405 people (-4.56% ) and the lowest industry from 8,851 people (-1.61%). Finally, the group of people Without Previous Employment decreases by 36 people (0.01%). In seasonally adjusted terms, the registered unemployment evolves better than in previous years with a slight decline of 265 people.




マヌエルV.ゴメスマドリード4 JUN 2013 - 午前9時46分CET
先月の数字は近年の平均を超えています。過去15年間の平均登録失業の場合は54,000滴程度です。これまでのところ、近年では最高の月は、登録失業に在籍88 552の衰退、2005年だった。 218498労働者が加わったとき、それは、社会保障のためだった。雇用の場合には月2013、従って最良されていない。

もっとおもてなしの一時的なジョブは失業ラインを減らすカナリアを除くすべての地域で登録された失業率が低いILO推奨賃金切り下げはスペインで深まるバニエスはリンデに答えます: "最も重要なことは、その信用の流れです"
雇用のための国務長官、エングラシアイダルゴは、 "それは2012年5月以来、仕事の損失を減速している。"と判示しました年率は実際に失業率が増加したがしかし、一般の人々の数は増加し続け、11月以降、より明確に、昨年の減少とされてレベルに関する前者Inemを締結12ヶ月前。したがって、改善するドロップオン年にはなりません。
彼の部分については、社会保障、トマス·ブルゴス、のための国務長官は会員数の増加があったことを述べている "、強力な明確かつ広範な。"また、ブルゴスは3月、4月と5月の間に216 265雇用者の進歩でここ数カ月の間に、メンバーシップ図の継続的な成長を強調しました。それにもかかわらず、社会保障や年金を払って労働者の割合は、これらの利点の1の受益者ごとに2つの従業員がマイナス以下のままです。季節調整済み、雇用の増加は5,659人です。
首相、マリアノラは、データのスポーク "心強い。"とのメンバーの間で月の労働市場のデータを知っているエグゼクティブは、数日間の楽観に深刻だった。彼らはまだ決定的な転換を話さないあえて。しかし、私はこれらの数字のinsuflenの楽観主義と経済の信頼性を期待しています。それは経済が落ちると、不況で発生するので、彼らはデータ値を設定してください。

出所:雇用と社会保障省。 / COUNTRY

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