Rajoy affirms that will seal an agreement with Rubalcaba on Europe
President reiterates its readiness to talk to Rubalcaba to agree a common position
Rajoy and Rubalcaba try to reach a bilateral agreement that will extend to other groups
Rajoy ratifica que sellará un acuerdo con Rubalcaba sobre Europa
El presidente reitera su disposición a hablar con Rubalcaba para acordar una postura común
Rajoy y Rubalcaba tratan de alcanzar un acuerdo bilateral, que extenderán al resto de los grupos
Rajoy affirms that will seal an agreement with Rubalcaba on Europe
President reiterates its readiness to talk to Rubalcaba to agree a common position
Rajoy and Rubalcaba try to reach a bilateral agreement that will extend to other groups
There will be no specific parliamentary session to try to reach a common position on the criteria to defend the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, at the last European Council this month. This was the proposal PSOE leader Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, for Rajoy's position is "stronger" in Brussels but that format does not please the government.
moreAlonso: "It is essential to go to Europe with a common shirt"Rajoy State rejects the covenant offered unions and oppositionPSOE: "President, convóquenos, what day and what time in Moncloa"
This refusal is not supposed to have closed the door to a possible agreement at least between PP and PSOE before the European meeting. The agreement will attempt, first discreetly between the two major parties and even a meeting or conversation, even without calling between Rajoy and Rubalcaba on which may not be publicized before it occurs.
It also has made clear the Prime Minister today. In its response to the PSC Senator José Montilla, Rajoy has returned this afternoon to show their willingness to talk with the leader of the main opposition party to agree a common position with a view to the next key meeting in Brussels: the European Council at the end June. The Chief Executive believes that at the summit can be addressed in a spirit of consensus, issues central to the Government's roadmap. That is, the credit to SMEs and mechanisms to promote youth employment, in addition to promoting banking integration. "The first European Council which I attended only spoke of austerity. Now going to speak of small and medium enterprises and youth employment," added the Prime Minister, reports Francesco Manetto.
The formula of the agreement between the government and PSOE is to be defined, but there will be contact, and then will try to share with the other groups, also discreet meetings. This second phase will take care of the Popular Party spokesman, Alfonso Alonso. But first they have to talk "two heads" as stated in the PP and the PSOE.
"They will try to limit the terms of an agreement," said Alonso. It is significant use of the term limit, since both parties maintain their differences in many of the matters which the government approves or is about to approve. The pact would stick to European politics, of great importance, because the chances of economic relief out of that area.
It was that there was a full next week and that just came out a resolution signed by all groups, or those who deem appropriate. Rubalcaba This proposal has fallen through, so the procedure will be other, yet to be determined by the Government, and we'll see who's up. Meanwhile, discreet contacts may occur, the preparation of a European Council will follow the usual channels.
First, will convene a meeting of the Joint Commission for the European Union, in which the secretary of state appear that responsibility, Inigo Mendez de Vigo. Then later in the month the president of the Government, will realize what happened. What comes first is what is to be determined, although it is possible that the intervention of Mendez de Vigo discards what is the Government's approach to the European Council. Rajoy Rubalcaba is supported to defend with Germany and France an urgent plan to create jobs for young people.
Currently the format sought by Rubalcaba not out yet, but you can not talk about failure, door slamming or end of negotiations before they started, although some groups to distance themselves because they adopted beforehand. Left is the case Plural. "We do not believe in vague proposals but on facts and concrete content," said spokesman Plural Left (IU, ICV, CHA), José Luis Centella. In any case do not see much chance of understanding. "I see no room for agreement" concluded Centella.
This skepticism is more moderate in the other groups, although most acknowledge that the Government will not pay excessive interest in weight in a very specific resolution on requirements to Brussels because if not achieved will be evident failure. Hence, all the speakers see little chance that the executive wants to be tied to a very specific commitments when the tops usually have a uncertain future. This reasoning suggests that these partners if any rapprochement between the government and opposition will be on generic basis.
After a weekend in which both the leaders of the PSOE and the PP have been limits to the agreement, it is already clear that only talk about proposals for Europe. "There will agree settled by both parties and must limit the terms of that agreement", said the spokesman of the Popular Party, Alfonso Alonso. This would be "a country agreement to maintain a strong position in the European Council in the fight against youth unemployment, and a more active role of the European Central Bank and the European Investment Bank." This was the agreement "country" who had asked Rubalcaba and that should materialize in full.
Another full groups waiting on a proposal from CiU and PNV, has not been accepted by the Government and the majority that supports it, the Popular Party. These groups had proposed a meeting specifically on unemployment come out with concrete proposals.
アナベルディーツ|政治部記者マドリード4 JUN 2013 - 18:14 CET
今月最後の欧州理事会で首相は、マリアノラを、守るために基準に共通の位置に到達しようとする特定の国会はありません。これは、ノラの立場のために提案PSOEリーダーアルフレドペレスルバルカバは、ブリュッセルで "強い"とされたが、その形式は、政府を喜ばせることはありません。
もっとアロンソ: "それは一般的なシャツとヨーロッパに行くことが不可欠である"ノラ状態誓約提供組合と野党を拒否PSOE: "社長、convóquenos、何日とモンクロアで何時間"
また、今日は総理大臣をクリアしました。最後に欧州理事会:PSC上院ホセ·モンティへの応答では、ノラは、ブリュッセルで次のキーの会議を視野に共通の立場に合意する野党の指導者と話をする意思を表示するには、この日の午後に戻ってきた6月。最高経営責任者(CEO)は、政府のロードマップに問題が中心、サミットで合意の精神で対処することができると考えています。つまり、銀行の統合を推進することに加えて、若者の雇用を促進するため、中小企業や機構への信用です。 "私は出席した最初の欧州理事会では、緊縮財政の話、今中小企業や若者の雇用の話をしようとし、"内閣総理大臣は、追加された、フランチェスコManettoを報告します。
政府とPSOEとの間の合意の式が定義されることですが、そこに接点となり、その後も他のグループ、控えめな会議と共有しようとします。この第二段階では、国民党のスポークスマン、アルフォンソ·アロンソの世話をします。しかし、最初に、彼らは、PPとPSOEに記載された "二つの頭を"話をしなければならない。
現在の形式ではなく外にまだルバルカバが求めるが、彼らが開始する前に、彼らは事前に採用しているため、いくつかのグループが自分自身を距離をもののあなたは、故障、ドアスラミングや交渉の終わりについて話をすることはできません。左は、ケース複数ある。 "我々は、漠然とした提案ではなく事実と具体的な内容については考えていない、"左スポークスマンの複数(IU、ICV、CHA)、ホセ·ルイス·ツボクサは言った。いずれにしても、理解の多くのチャンスが表示されません。 "私は、合意の余地を見ない"ツボクサは結論づけている。
PSOEのリーダーとPPの両方が合意には制限されているでは週末の後、それは唯一のヨーロッパのための提案について話すことがすでに明らかである。 "は両方の当事者が和解に同意すると、その契約の条件を制限しなければなりません"、人気パーティー、アルフォンソアロンソのスポークスマンは語った。これは "若者の失業との闘いにおける欧州理事会で確固たる地位、及び欧州中央銀行と欧州投資銀行のより積極的な役割を維持するために国の合意"となりますこれはルバルカバを求めていたし、完全に実体化する必要があり、その合意 "国"だった。
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