
スペインの最高裁判所は、銀行が詐欺てきに販売した優先株式の顧客プロファイルを評価するべきであると述べている、詐欺てき販売の犯罪を認める.The Supreme Court stated that the bank should assess the preferred customer profile



The Supreme Court stated that the bank should assess the preferred customer profile

El Supremo afirma que la banca debió evaluar el perfil del cliente en preferentes

El Alto Tribunal condena al BBVA a indemnizar a un matrimonio por el dinero invertido

Novagalicia condenada a devolver 550.000 euros de preferentes
Agencias 31 MAY 2013 - 15:18 CET

The Supreme Court stated that the bank should assess the preferred customer profile

The High Court condemns the BBVA to compensate a marriage for the money

Novagalicia ordered to return € 550,000 preferred

Agencies 31 MAY 2013 - 15:18 CET

The Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court has sentenced BBVA to compensate with 291 488 euros plus interest at a marriage of the damages caused them to purchase preferred shares of Lehman Brothers, an operation in which the bank acted as manager . The argument offered by the High Court is that it was the bank's responsibility to evaluate the profile of customers and sell products suitable to it.
Prosecuted Facts are based on the application filed by a marriage against BBVA claim for damages caused by the negligent actions of the bank to acquire preferred shares of Lehman Brothers entity under a management contract discretionary investment portfolios .
The claim was upheld at first instance by the judge considered that there was a negligent fulfillment of the contract to be purchased a product unadjusted customer profile. The Provincial Court of Valencia reversed this decision, considering the use of the bank, on the ground that it had provided adequate information to understand the product purchased and because industry regulations did not prevent conservative customers order products risk.

moreThe Court cautions against collapse if preferred petsThe CNMV calls for more powers of inspection and interventionNovagalicia, ordered to repay 550,000 euros
The court's decision, released Friday, has estimated the appeal of the bank's customers. The judges have concluded that the indications on the client's risk profile and investment preferences play "an integrative function of the content of the contract", being a legal obligation to these companies collect information to their customers about their financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives and inform in a clear and transparent about the risks of the contracts traded, so that poor information can be a determining negligence compensation for damages.
In the case of marriage, the Supreme believes that full and clear this information had not been provided or had acted in good faith, to be a contradiction between the client's risk profile, which was very low, and the chosen values ​​of high risk, which, with an acting diligently and in good faith, would have required that it becomes apparent inconsistency between the chosen profile and investment products accepted to ensure that the information was clear and had been understood.




機関31 MAY 2013 - 15時18分CET
最高裁判所の民事商工会議所は、彼らがリーマン·ブラザーズ、銀行がマネージャーを務めている操作の優先株を購入する被害の結婚で291 488ユーロ利息で補うためにBBVAを宣告しました高等裁判所によって提供される引数は、それが顧客のプロファイルを評価し、それに適した製品を販売するために、銀行の責任だったということです。

金曜日解放裁判所の決定は、銀行の顧客の魅力を推定している。裁判官は、クライアントのリスクプロファイルや投資の環境上の表示は、その財務状況、投資経験についての彼らの顧客に情報を収集し、これらの企業への法的義務であること、 "契約の内容の統合的な機能"を果たしていることを結論している投資目的や貧しい情報は損害賠償決定過失補償することができるように、取引契約のリスクについて、明確かつ透明でお知らせします。

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