スペインの詐欺てきに販売された優先株式のNovagalicia銀行の被害者は、最高64'5%まで預金を損失し、Catalunya Bancの被害者は最高67%までその預金を損失
Los preferentistas de NCG y Catalunya Banc sufrirán quitas de hasta el 67%
El FROB publica las condiciones para que los ahorradores puedan recuperar parte de su dinero
Los términos del canje incluyen un recorte del 13,8% por hacer efectivo los nuevos títulos
El País Madrid 10 JUN 2013 - 18:51 CET
The NCG preferentistas suffer Catalunya Banc and remove up to 67%
The FROB announces conditions for savers can recoup some of your money
The terms of the exchange include a cut of 13.8% by realizing new titles
The Country Madrid 10 JUN 2013 - 18:51 CET
Savers who invested their money in preferred shares and subordinated debt of Catalunya Banc suffer Novagalicia and remove up to 64.5% and 67%, according to the terms of the swap announced Monday that the Fund for Orderly Bank Restructuring (FROB ). In the case of the Catalan, the highest losses affect the May issue volume of Class A preferred shares For those affected by Novagalicia products, most perpetual issue of shares, if the so-called Class D, is off 45.5%.
The FROB explains that these reductions include a haircut of 13.5% as "illiquidity discount". That is, a toll that those affected should take in exchange for money to recoup some of their investment in cash to sell the Deposit Guarantee Fund securities receive in exchange for preferred stock or subordinated debt.
The opposite is to stay with these alleged actions, which despite its name "not listed on an official market and have no plans to do so in the context of the restructuring plans approved by the European Commission." The price of this illiquidity discount, explains the state fund for financial reform, has been established by an "independent expert".
The FROB note recalls that the imposition of these losses is the result of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by the EU in return for the bailout. The reason for this is that Brussels requires that "resolution plans include measures of burden sharing, with the sole purpose of lightening the burden on the taxpayer."
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