スペインの保守党の教育大臣のJose Ignacio Wertの教育改革(改悪?)に生徒、教師、父母会は反対
The preview of the debate LOMCE mobilizes social forces
El adelanto del debate de la LOMCE moviliza a las fuerzas sociales
En julio la reforma educativa llega al Parlamento y sindicatos y familias anuncian protestas y acuerdos con los partidos de la oposición
Elisa Silió Madrid 31 MAY 2013 - 16:15 CET
The preview of the debate LOMCE mobilizes social forces
In July the Parliament comes to educational reform and family unions and protests and announced agreements with opposition parties
Elisa Silió Madrid 31 MAY 2013 - 16:15 CET
It was unclear whether the educational reform proposed by José Ignacio Wert reach Parliament in July or September. But yesterday, during a meeting at the headquarters of the Ministry of Education between unions and CEAPA and the government knew that the first eta will discuss the second and third week of July in Congress. For this reason the Platform for Public Education (CEAPA, UGT, CCOO, STES-i and Student Union, among others), who are not willing to take them the parliamentary processed on the wrong foot, announced this morning your calendar of demonstrations and talks with the opposition in order to submit to the Congress an amendment to the whole.
The idea is to bring together 50-60 explicares deputies and their position. They know they have the support of the opposition, who has announced he will vote against the LOMCE, but is irrelevant to have the PP an absolute majority. In addition, each union-particular title if no agreement Platform-will make us your amendments on specific issues each party. In order to delay the adoption of the reform-and they have recognized this morning, go have requested to present their arguments in Parliament.
Legal recourse will have to wait for the approval of the law
Minister also try to galvanize support. "If they can not be total agreement, at least we should reach partial agreements that avoid the feeling in society that certain fundamental aspects of education are in the lee of the policy," Wert said last week. "With goodwill can reach agreements because the objections of nationalist and left not have much to do with the core content of the project. "
Legal recourse will have to wait for approval but CCOO LOMCE intended, if his lawyers are reasons for this reform-report to the European Commission because they understand that violates the principles of equality governing the European Constitution. Green Tide will join the demonstrations "for a more social Europe" which has called Europeade Trade Unions Confederation (ETUC), which will focus, as noted by the Secretary General of CCOO-Teaching, Francisco Garcia in "denounce the policies austerity and therefore, cuts in basic services. "
The protests, which included no more strikes, including concentrations at the door of schools, closures, night marches, letter-writing to the parliamentary groups and, finally, demonstrations throughout Spain on June 27. "We know that summer will not be as massive demonstrations and not to burn bridges because in September the struggle continues," says Carlos Lopez nicotine, general secretary of FETE-UGT. Protests that do not target Wert, "which is discredited ·, but the government, because this law is only for about a social part that therefore must be removed."
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