Los alcaldes rurales protestan ante Hacienda contra la reforma local
Los representantes de las pedanías reclaman fondos al ministerio
María Fernández Madrid 31 MAY 2013 - 13:11 CET
The rural mayors protest to the Treasury against local reform
The representatives of the districts claim the ministry funds
María Fernández Madrid 31 MAY 2013 - 13:11 CET
A thousand mayors of rural districts have gathered on Friday at the Ministry of Finance in Madrid, to protest against the reform of local government, which expects to save 8,000 million euros to the public purse. Representatives of smaller political entities of Spain, most of Castilla-La Mancha and Castilla y Leon, have transladado land of their people, who have deposited with the Ministry and then bury a coffin draped in wreaths as a symbol for state that would reform the death of their municipalities.
Between screams, whistles and ballots, Antonio Martin Cabanillas, president of the Federation of Local Government Under Spain, exclaimed: "I challenge the Minister [of Finance Cristobal Montoro], that will provide the service with the means that we have , to see if he can ", and added that" from an office can be very brave. Vente a people, Mr. Montoro ". Attendees Cabanillas applauded when he declared that "the reform, all you will get is going to be fooled into Europe".
Local reform has not only roused the municipalities. Calls Minor Local Authorities, who have no such category (there are 3,720 in Spain, 60% in Castilla y León) are mortally wounded with regulatory changes prepared by the Government. Should disappear January 1, 2014 unless they have accounts to the Ministry of Finance and most do not, or at least not with the signing of a clerk, as required by the Government.
The districts defend themselves by saying they do not have sufficient resources structure and (in many cases less than a hundred cores neighbors), so this morning village headman hundred marched in Madrid demanding that the law provides for more clearly their skills. "There is a third seizure in place: that of the commons and heritage Minor Local Authorities" have denounced attendees.
The districts have immense forest heritage. Only public woodland held by these entities represent a third of the area of the province of León. In Asturias, 46% of the forests are managed through one of its 39 local authorities. With the reform, will be the Provincial Councils or responsible for its management.
The demonstrations have begun at midnight with the Ministry of Finance and continued in the Congress of Deputies, where mayors delivered a letter to the president. Afterwards they traveled to the headquarters of the Federation of Municipalities where they met with his secretary, Angel Fernandez. It is committed to moving their claims and said through a statement that it began the negotiation process, "the FEMP has always defended its claims to small municipalities and Minor Local Authorities." He added that the Spanish rural districts "still top, along with the competition, which FEMP priorities in the negotiations." Rural people are wary however of this support: during this morning's protest could be heard shouting against the municipalities.
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