



El paro registrado desciende en todas las comunidades autónomas salvo Canarias

Las mayores bajadas porcentuales de mayo se dan en Baleares y La Rioja

El paro registrado baja en 98.265 personas en el mejor mayo en 16 años
El País Madrid 4 JUN 2013 - 09:34 CET

Registered unemployment decreases in all regions except Canary

The largest percentage decreases May occur in Baleares and La Rioja

Registered unemployment low in 98,265 people in the best May in 16 years

The Country Madrid 4 JUN 2013 - 9:34 CET




カントリーマドリード4 JUN 2013 - 9時34分CET
Data provided Tuesday by the Ministry of Employment indicate that registered unemployment in May fell in all regions except in the Canary Islands, where he suffered a rise of 0.18% - Ceuta and Melilla. In annual terms, Balearic only experienced a decline in the number of unemployed registered in the records of the Public Employment Service from May 2012.

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LABOR MARKET. All information on unemployment

The regions with the greatest decrease in percentage terms compared to the April data were Baleares, with a fall of 9.42%, La Rioja (down 3.6%) and Castilla-La Mancha (down 2.48% ). In absolute terms, the number of entries in Andalusia fell 26,529 unemployed (-2.39%), and in Catalonia in 14,829 (-2.26%).

Registered unemployment only increased in Canary Islands (538 more unemployed), Ceuta (94) and Melilla (192). In the two autonomous cities, the rise was 0.74% and 1.58%, respectively.

Baleares is the only autonomy that last month there were fewer unemployed than a year earlier, namely 6,390, representing a decrease of 7.74%. In the rest, registered unemployment rose in annual terms. The largest increases occurred in the Basque Country (10.76%), Asturias (8.9%) and Navarra (7.34%). More moderate increases in Melilla (0.67%), Canary Islands (1.07%), and Valencia (1.55%).

In the whole of Spain, registered unemployment in May fell 1.97% (98,265 people) compared to April, in the best figure of the fifth month of the year since 1997.
セウタとメリリャ - 雇用省によって火曜日提供されたデータは、月に登録された失業率が、彼は0.18%の上昇を受けたカナリア諸島を除いてすべての地域で減少したことを示している毎年恒例の用語では、バレアレスのみ2012年5月からの公共雇用サービスレコードに登録された失業者数の減少を経験した。

ジョブを作成するにはまず最初にVALERIANO GOMEZによって破壊することではありません


登録失業だけセウタ(94)とメリリャ(192)カナリア諸島538以上の失業者で増加した。 2自律的な都市で上昇はそれぞれ0.74パーセント1.58パーセントであった​​。



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