



Estrasburgo pide dación en pago o renegociación para familias en quiebra

Los países deben impedir que los desahuciados tengan que devolver la deuda, según la Eurocámara

Luis Doncel 10 JUN 2013 - 14:01 CET

Payment in Strasbourg asking family or renegotiation in bankruptcy

Countries should prevent the homeless have to repay the debt, according to the Parliament

Luis Doncel 10 JUN 2013 - 14:01 CET

The blows to the Spanish government mortgage policy from the European Parliament and other institutions seem endless. Last week was the European Citizen Prize Award 2013 for the Platform of People Affected by Mortgages (PAH). The slap on the wrist is now a housing report that the full House is expected to approve today. The document, which won the yes of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs of the Parliament in April, includes a series of recommendations, which include a request that European legislation "include the renegotiation of debt or payment in kind [that the delivery of the mortgaged property sufficient to pay the debt] to the debtor or bankrupt families. "
This document has no legal implications, but a strong policy in countries such as Spain, which in recent years tens of thousands of families have lost their homes for nonpayment. Many of those evicted are debiting of the amount requested from the bank. And, thinking of this group, the report calls on Member States "to prevent the evicted families continue to have to repay their mortgage loans."
The award of the Parliament to the PAH and aroused the fury of PP - "Today was Ada Colau, tomorrow may reward Arnaldo Otegi" came to mean MEP Carlos Iturgaiz-, demanding to revoke the award to an organization that claim payment in retroactively for debtors who have lost their habitual residence.

moreEuropean Parliament awards the PAH for their rightsOutrage in Spanish PP by the European award for PAH
The plenary of the Parliament will vote tomorrow the document drafted by French MEP Karima Delli environmentalist. The most controversial section, added the proposal of the Spanish Socialist Alejandro Cercas, calls on the Commission and Member States to "address the social drama solution posed by the loss of housing for those most affected by the crisis and unemployment." The text also states that evictions "were occurring in a context of large public aid sanitation European financial system."
This initiative of the Parliament comes several weeks after the European Central Bank asked the Spanish Government "a set of wider measures to tackle the underlying causes of the difficulties associated with mortgages and try to avoid, insofar as possible, foreclosures. "
But the biggest blow to the mortgage law came last March, when the Court of Justice of the EU ruled that Spanish law the European directive violated consumer protection, mandatory for all Member States. This step opened the door to any Spanish judge to halt an eviction as a precautionary measure to see if there are unfair.
The European Parliament will approve this report after agreeing with the other European institutions to take out a mortgage directive ensures more favorable conditions for borrowers in cases of prepayment and foreclosure. This new rule that States must move their national legislation provides for the payment in kind provided debtor and creditor agree. But this aspect will have little impact on Spain, where legislation already provides for that possibility, provided if prior agreement.
Organizations such as the PAH ask that in lieu of payment is applied retroactively, something that is against the government for damages cause to the bench. The new European directive is silent on this possibility in particular.
Experts like José García Montalvo also have reservations with retroactive payment in general. This professor of Economics at Pompeu Fabra believes that, if approved, any buyer to see that your floor has lost value could return it to the bank, and would generate losses in the financial system should ultimately be compensated with public money. "It would be just a law of second chances, which saw judge case by case basis when to make debt restructurings," says Garcia Montalvo.



ルイスDoncel10 JUN 2013 - 午後02時01分CET
欧州議会や他の機関からスペイン政府の住宅ローン政策に打撃は無限に見える。先週は、住宅ローン(PAH)被災者のプラットフォームのための欧州市民賞受賞2013年だった。手首にスラップは今完全なハウスは今日承認すると予想されている住宅のレポートです。はい月に議会の雇用·社会問題に関する委員会に勝った文書は、欧州の法律は、 "債務の再交渉かが含まれていることを要求を含む一連の勧告を含み現物支払い債務者や破産家族に[債務を支払う抵当財産の引渡しは、十分その]。 "
このドキュメントでは、法的な意味ですが、近年では家族数万が不払いのために彼らの家を失ったようなスペインのような国で強力な政策を持っていません。追い出さそれらの多くは、銀行から要求された量の引き落としされています。そして、このグループのことを考え、レポートには "追い出され家族が住宅ローンを返済するために持ち続けないようにする。"加盟国に呼びかけ
PAHに対する議会の賞とPPの怒りを呼んだ - "今日エイダColauだった、明日はアルナルドOtegiに報いることは、" MEPカルロスIturgaizを意味する組織それに賞を取り消す要求してきた彼らの常居所を失った債務者のための遡及の支払を請求する。

議会の本会議は明日フランス語MEPカリマ·デリゾッティの環境保護によって起草された文​​書を投票する。最も物議セクションでは、スペインの社会主義アレハンドロCercasの提案を追加した委員会と加盟国に呼びかけ、 "最も危機と失業率の影響を受ける人のための住宅の損失によってもたらされる社会的なドラマのソリューションに対応しています。"テキストも立ち退き "は大規模な公共援助衛生欧州の金融システムのコンテキストで発生しました。"と述べている
議会のこのイニシアチブは、欧州中央銀行は、限り可能な限り、 "住宅ローンに伴う困難の根本的な原因に対処し、回避しようとする広い措置のセットをスペイン政府に尋ねた数週間後に来る差し押さえ。 "
ホセ·ガルシアモンタルボのような専門家はまた、一般的に遡及支払いと予約を持っている。ポンペウファブラ経済学部のこの教授は承認された場合、あなたの床が価値を失ったことを参照するには、任意の買い手は銀行にそれを返すことができ、最終的には公的資金で補償されるべきである金融システムの損失を発生させるであろう、と考えています。 "これは、債務再編を行うため、ケースバイ裁判官ケースを見た第二のチャンスだけ法則、になるだろう"とガルシアモンタルボ氏は述べています。

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