欧州議会は、2013年欧州市民賞に、スペインの住宅ローン被害者協会:PAH(la Plataforma de Afectados porla Hipoteca)に、市民の権利を養護したとして授与
European Parliament awards the PAH for their rights
The award recognizes "those who daily seek to promote the values" of the Bill of Rights
El Parlamento Europeo premia a la PAH por su defensa de los derechos
El premio reconoce "a los que día a día tratan de promover los valores" de la carta de derechos
La Eurocámara reconoce también el trabajo de la Academia de la Lengua Vasca
La portavoz de la PAH subraya que el premio "evidencia el carácter antidemocrático del PP"
Clara Blanchar Barcelona 6 JUN 2013 - 14:56 CET
European Parliament awards the PAH for their rights
The award recognizes "those who daily seek to promote the values" of the Bill of Rights
The European Parliament also recognizes the work of the Academy of the Basque Language
The PAH spokesman stressed that the award "demonstrates the undemocratic nature of the PP"
Clara Blanchar Barcelona 6 JUN 2013 - 14:56 CET
The European Parliament has awarded the 2013 European Citizen to the Platform of People Affected by Mortgages (PAH), which has also received the Royal Academy of the Basque Language (Euskaltzaindia). The European Parliament awarded the prize since 2008 to "exceptional individuals or organizations who fight for European values, promote integration between citizens and the Member States or facilitating transnational cooperation within the Union, and who daily seek to promote the values of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU. "
PAH's candidacy was presented by MEPs Raul Romeva and Ana Miranda (Greens / EFA) and Willy Meyer (GUE / NGL). Izaskun Bilbao liberal MEP (ALDE) nominated for the Academy Award Basque. The winners were selected by a jury yesterday in Brussels chaired by Vice President of Parliament, Anni Podimata. Prizes will be awarded in October.
The spokesman for the PAH, Ada Colau, has entered into a prize "European level coming from just the year in which one of the issues has meant the European court ruling that found in favor of the PAH in its consideration of the injustices of Spanish mortgage system. "Colau also stresses that the award recognizes citizenship values "after the attempted criminalization of PP". To which he added: "That would even equate to terrorism". "The award shows clearly the undemocratic nature of the PP government," he pointed.
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